Hi there, I've had a new update of edge animate.. When i click on "open actions" i now only see a white square instead of the actions window. Does anybody know how can i fix this?
Edge CC 2014.1 action panel shows white square (was: Open actions, white square only..)
What does the acronym "OAM" stand for ?
It might seem a trivial question, but as a trainer my goal is to make things less complicated or at least more understandable to my course attendees. Describing the oam file in Adobe Edge Animate is one of such areas where students get lost. Why is it called an "Animate Deployment Package" in Edge Animate, "Edge Animate Composition" in Dreamweaver, and an "Animated Widget File" elsewhere, while the extension is "OAM", and what does the abbreviation stand for actually ? Consistent use of a file format's name and logical extension would help users understanding it better.
content of symbol not visible in AE, but does preview
I have a symbol with content (rectangles, text, picture), but the content is nog shown in AE...
However, if I preview it shows up perfectly.
Please have a look at the screenshots:
- 01 >> you can see there is a symbol selected, and is placed next to the artboard, but the content isn't shown..
- 02 >> same thing if I go inside the symbol
- 03 >> preview in the browser and the symbol is shown perfectly..
Here is the project:
thanks having a look.
odd behaviour
Hi folks,
I have quite a simple question - apologies if it has already been asked.
Here is a very sophisticated animation not behaving as it should. It consists in drawing 2 rectangles, a black one {called master) and a red one (called slave), then adding a basic animation to the master rectangle (translation, opacity variation or whatever you fancy) and some basic code - sym.$("master").show() - so that clicking on it triggers the apparition of the slave rectangle which visibility we have set to off (display:none) on the first frame of the timeline.
What happens is that the slave rectangle unexpectedly vanishes once the master animation is complete. This will happen as long as the master rectangle is clicked prior to the full completion of its transform animation. Clicking afterwards will execute the code correctly without altering the expected display property for the slave rectangle. Stating the obvious, this same composition runs flawlessly when published from previous versions of Edge Animate.
What's going wrong here ? Or am I the only one facing this drastic issue ? Thanks for sharing.
link to files : http://adobe.ly/1tHcYP1
Popup window doesn't show in correct position in responsive design (was: place object at cursor)
Hi Everyone,
I'm creating a software demonstration using screen captures and Edge Animate. There are popup windows in this product where the user hovers the mouse over a row of data and a popup appears at the mouse position with more information about that data. I have used
sym.$("myObject").css({"position":"absolute", "top":e.pageY , "left":e.pageX});
and it works fine until I set the stage to "responsive" or I scroll down the page to access more rows of data. When this happens, the popup appears far from the mouse.
I'm not a strong coder, but does anyone know how I can get Edge Animate to recognize the true position of the mouse on the screen and then tell the popup to appear there?
Any advice would be appreciated.
How to make the code more simpler for dynamic data?
Hi everyone!
I have a JSON file with over 200 records.
I want every record to be active button with unique actions.
The code is the below:
for(var i=0; i<200; i++){
var s = sym.getSymbol("base").createChildSymbol("template", "conts");
s.element.attr('id', 'symbol'+i);
s.$("imageholder").css({"background-image":"url('"+data[i]. image+"')" });
s.$("imageholder").data('myIndex', i);
s.$("imageholder").click("click", function(e){
if ($(this).data("myIndex") == 0){
WB = 10;
sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('placer').$("holder").css({"background-image":" url("+$(this).data('Large')+")"});
sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('placer').$("holdertxt").html($(this).data('tit le'));
if ( WB == 10) {
else if ($(this).data("myIndex") == 1) {
WB = 11;
sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('placer').$("holder").css({"background-image":" url("+$(this).data('Large')+")"});
sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('placer').$("holdertxt").html($(this).data('tit le'));
if ( WB == 11) {
s.$("imageholder").mouseout ("mouseout",function(e){
if ($(this).data("myindex") == 0 && WB != 10) {
else if ($(this).data("myindex") == 1 && WB != 11) {
s.$("imageholder").mouseout ("mouseout",function(e){
if ($(this).data("myindex") == 0 && WB != 10) {
else if ($(this).data("myindex") == 1 && WB != 11) {
How is possible to place an each command or something else in order not to write for each Index and for each function the actions?
Now I am writing for every function of (mouseover, click, mouseout) the actions that every record of the JSON should make.
Can someone help me?
My animation will not work in DPS CC 2014
I have made a simple animation using EDGE and it imports the OAM file but never works in the Digital Publishing Suite when I view the Folio.
Any wisdom on this? Thanks.
Applying JQUERY to a JSON Feed called in Edge
So I'm making an AJAX Call to a list of <UL> and <LI> items which all have various class names and unique IDs.
I'm trying to build a javascript to turn some of these into a collapsable menu.
If I paste the list into a normal HTML page and then include my script in the header they collapse and expand perfectly as expected.
What I'm trying to figure out is where should I place the Javascript which is targeting the items in the list after the JSON call so that I can then alter the behavior of the list to include expand/collapse Jquery based actions.
Things I've already tried:
Pasting the script outside of the Stage.
Pasting it in the stage.
Including it in the Edge Animate scripts library.
Making direct calls to and pasting said script into the Creation Complete action as well as on-resize and other Edge actions.
Among a few other things... No luck so far.
Where do you suggest I place Jquery scripts which I want to alter an HTML list inside of an edge symbol being placed there via Jquery.
I'm guessing the answer is either related to 1- Syntax or
2- Load Order - The script is using $(document).ready(function() {...
Any advice for altering Edge elements with Jquery would be awesomely helpful.
Zooming on a vector object doesn´t flow smoothly
I have in this file a single svg object, the map. I have set it to enlarge 1000% on a 3 second timeline. Nothing else is added or done.
It doesn´t zoom smoothly when playing it in Edge or in preview. It makes little pauses and skips. Any clue to why?
WHY YOU SALE A PRODUCT THAT IS NOT EVEN COMPLETE OR BUGS FREE? big problem 1: You can't tell objects to re-start from the beging on any txt or graphics in a symbol. Only one works sometimes. Also, Muse, you can't not embed Animate without getting the Error on the browser. and many other problems too.
Does anyone know to integrate jqueryWallpaper plugin in Edge ?
I am interested on the play on hover .
Thanks !
How to insert animations in Wordpress?
I used to insert Edge Animate animations in WP via Edge Suite, as explained on:
With the latest Edge Animate updates, Edge Suite cannot load OAM files anymore and prompts the "Cannot find main JS edge file /...edgePreload.js.." message.
Is there any alternatives?
Animation in website is saying
can not find "xx_edgePreload.js".
Where can I find "xx_edgePreload.js"?
Why do we need it?
None in publish for web.
None in publish as .oam
How to see audio waveform
Is it possible to see the actual waveform of an audio file in the timeline? I need to sync the animation to the music, it would be easier if I can see the waveform.
how do you increase the UI on the microsoft surface pro 3
how do you increase the UI in Illustrator, muse, edge, dreamweaver etc. on the microsoft surface? It's too small to do anything on
SVG Manipulation
I created a SVG with the Edge Animate, but the graphic stay often down Stage, does anyone know how to solve?
var y1= '10';
var y2= '20';
var y3= '30';
var y4= '120';
var y5= '50';
var y6= '40';
var y7= '30';
var y8= '20';
var y9= '10';
var svg = ( '<svg height="500" width="500"> <polygon id="box1" fill="#D04E00" points="500,253.327 43.6,253.327 43.6,'+y1+' 90.128,'+y1+' 136.691,'+y3+' 183.254,'+y4+' 229.783,'+y5+' 276.346,'+y6+' 322.909,'+y7+' 369.437,'+y8+' 500,'+y9+' "/>')
sym.$("body").append(sym.$(svg).css({"position": "top"}));
Object dragged into group disappears
I have several objects grouped together. I want to make an outside object join that group, so I drag it into the the group thru the elemants panel, but the object disappears. How can I prevent this? It´s not hidden behind another object.
Will a preloader automatically make the project load before playing?
If I insert one of the preloaders in Edge from the preloader library, will this make the whole animation load before playing? What´s the difference from not inserting one? My project will probably be quite heavy when done, will a preloader fix it so that it will run smooth by loading everything before hand?
Edge 2014.1 problem with edge commons don't work now
I try to make parallax but with edge commons but don't work now it was working with CC 2014. If somebody can help me thank you
Problem uploading video to edge animate
I am trying to add a video to my Edge Animate project, but every time I complete the process, it doesn't show up in the library. Here is the process I follow:
1. In the library panel, I click the + sign next to the video tab
2. The browse dialog box pops up and I find the video and double click it to add it to the Edge Animate library
3. Edge Animate pauses for a second, then appears to be ready to continue, but the video never shows up in the library
The movie was created in Premiere Pro. I exported it as an H.264 high def movie. The file is 760 MB. The title of the movie is Yellowstone.mp4.
I am able to upload other movies which are the same H.264 codec with the .mp4 extension.
Is there a size limit on video files for Edge Animate?