I've been getting on really well using Edge Commons to add audio to my animations (fantastic bit of kit, by the way - thank you simonwidjaja !).
However, while playing a sound via the trigger EC.Sound.play("mySound"); works brilliantly for individual instances of sound I've wholly failed to find a way to get sound files to loop.
I've been struggling with this for an age, now, and really haven't got anywhere at all. I know that Edge Commons integrates SoundJS and I know that SoundJS provides a facility to loop audio but I can't see a way to make it happen via the Edge Commons script.
SoundJS' method seems to be couched as:
static SoundInstance play ( value , interrupt , delay , offset , loop , volume , pan )
And in Edge Commons I can find:
var instance = SoundJS.play(soundId, SoundJS.INTERRUPT_NONE, 0, 0, false, 1);
which I assume (perhaps incorrectly?) relates to the aforementioned SoundJS.
I'm guessing (as has been mooted by resdesign in another post) that I need to edit the following, which appears in creation complete, in order to make looping happen but I just can't seem to get anything I try to work.
{src: assetsPath + "mySound.mp3|" + assetsPath + "mySound.ogg", id: 'mySound'},
Of course, I may simply be on the wrong track altogether; so as ever, any thoughts and ideas will be very gratefully received x