I'm attempting to make a side scrolling site. I have a wide div set up in the main timeline that animates 1000px at a time on the x-coordinate between the labels I have set for each "page".
I would like to click a button and go to the associated label and stop. I am faced with 2 problems:
1. Sometimes this would require the playhead to move in reverse rather than forward.
2. I originally had stop triggers on the timeline under the labels but if I am able to get my first problem fixed these triggers would stop the animatin before reaching the label.
I'm just learning java so I'm guessing I need an if statement and a function.
Example of what I'm trying to figure out:
I want to press work button and play to label "work".
If I'm at label "home" I need to play(); and stop at label "work". If I were at label "blog" I would need to playReverse(); to label "work".
Please help! I've been going looney trying to figure it out!