I likeEdgeAnimatevery much andwouldlike tointegratemycreated animationsinto aWordPresspage. That's whyI installed yourWordPressplugin. At the first look I´m satisfied.
Basically, I havetwo waysto upload a file: Using theplugin, or directly load the file to the directory.
But one thingI wouldlike to change.
If I deleteand uploadan animation again,itgets a differentID. And I want to control the Stage ID!
What I have tested: I changed the names of the project which are stored In the directory where the plugin saves the uploaded files. (The project names are something like: "MyAnimation_1", "Another Animation_2". But nosuccess. The Plugin counts up.
Cananyone tell me how to have influence on theID?
I hopeyou understandmygibberish ;-)
Many greetings andThank you