I need to add a clickTag type function to a banner I made so that it can be tracked. I read the thread on clickTag() and it tried swapping clickTag() with EB.clickthrough(). but that didnt work.
The media company has us put this code on a click through layer in the flash banners I've been making
how do I get this to work? The publisher gave me this code that ive added to the index file but the part where it says "onclick" I think needs to happen in edge?
<script type="text/javascript">
function initEB(){
if (!EB.isInitialized()){
EB.addEventListener(EBG.EventName.EB_INITIALIZED, startAd);
function startAd(){
document.getElementById("banner").style.visibility = "visible";
function handleClickthroughButtonClick(){
function handleUserActionButtonClick(){
<body onload="initEB();">
<div id="ad">
<div id="banner">
<div class="label">HTML Rich Banner, 300x250</div>
<div class="buttons">
<div id="clickthroughButton" class="button clickthrough" onclick="javascript:handleClickthroughButtonClick();"></div>
<div id="userActionButton" class="button useraction" onclick="javascript:handleUserActionButtonClick();"></div>
specifically I dont know how in edge to tell it to do this "onclick="javascript:handleUserActionButtonClick();"