Hi there,
due to my lack of knowledge about coding JavaScript, I'm stuck here and I can't find the right way by google and try and error..
I want to loop a code / function .. let's say 100 times and each time one parameter or variable is counted up.
I found "for"-loops and some with a counter.. but I coudn't get it to work in Edge Animate..
Here is a fragment of the code I want to loop ->
$.get("http://......./publish/web/output1.php?id="+Num, {}, function(ask, code) {
switch(ask) {
case '9':
var leaf = sym.$("leaf"+Num); // How can I count the setting variable? "var leaf+Num = ... " doesn't work I guess..
TweenMax.to(leaf+Num, 1, {scale:1.5});
TweenMax.to(leaf+Num, 2, {rotation:rand, ease:"Power1.easeInOut", yoyo:true, repeat:-1});
Thanks for help!