Hi, I made an animation who I want it to put in an pre-existent web-page, how can I change the paths without losing consistency?
I saw that page calls the _edgePreloader.js whom calls the _edgeAction.js and edje.js whom calls the images, is there a way to put this files in a order way?
For instance: can I put the edje.js files in a directory called script? Moving the edge_inclused files obviously inside?
If I added two or three animation for web page and I made four pages, I'd get a terrific mess on my host, can I avoid this?
Logically I've already tried to change in teh html and javascript code the single paths, but it hasn't worked.
Can anyone help me to understand how I can cnange the single path in each file in ordert to change the structure of teh application and make it still working?