Hey guys,
I´m having a new problem.
My new problem is to find a way to jump between triggers.
I made a compass animation, where you´re able to click right or left.
When I click the Left_Button, the left line will play, trigger to trigger.
When I click the Right_Button, It will reverse that line.
The left line is for rotating clockwise. The right is for the other way.
Is there a way to start directly with a right click? like a reverse loop?
Or would it be possible to jump always between all this triggers?
- N-NW1 sym.stop();
- loop sym.play(7000);
- Left_Button sym.play();
Right_Button sym.playreverse();
- Nreverse-NW1reverse sym.stop();
- loopreverse sym.play(18000)
Thanks for helping.
(and sorry for my bad englisch.)