Hello everybody,
this is my last try, then I will return to a brave tweening Designer.
I asked a few times ago, but unforunately no solution at the end:
I placed a symol on stage with a trigger at the first frame:
var eins = sym.createChildSymbol("eins", "Stage");
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 100,
'top': 0
Now I know (thank you BigMucho) that I can move the symbol with te following code:
var eins = sym.createChildSymbol("eins", "Stage");
var moveEins = eins.getSymbolElement();
TweenMax.set(moveEins, {position:'absolute', left:100, top:0});
TweenMax.to(moveEins, 2, {y:120, scale:1, opacity:1, delay:0, ease:Expo.easeOut});
Whith this code I placed the symbol from the library and move it in one step.
But I want to move the symbol (eins) which is already placed on the stage (with a trigger),
whith a button afterwards.
For better anderstanding:
Maybe there is someone, who can imagine what I want.
Greetings form germany