Hello Everyone.
OK. Have been doing Edge Lesson's for quite nearly a year now, and wanted to share them with the community.
If you have any request or questions, please feel free to post them to the video links below, or in here, and I will
Try my best to assist you any way that I can.
Edge Animate has really come a long ways, and with the new CC, it has taken on a life of its own.
Look forward to what the future may bring with this awesome Adobe program release.
Wayne Barron
Dark Effects Production
- Adding sound to Mouseover event in Adobe Edge Animate
Adobe Edge Animate - Add Sound in Mouseover Event
by darkeffectstv1,987 viewsIn this video, we will learn how to add sound to a buttons Mouseover event in Adobe Edge Animate.…
- Learning how to add sound to Adobe Edge Animate
Adobe Edge Animate Adding Sound to Project
by darkeffectstv5,031 viewsAdobe Edge Animate Adding Sound to Project…
- Remake, as the cursor was not in the last videos.
Adobe Edge Animate - Mirror Text Effects with Wipe On Text (Lesson 3) (Remake)
by darkeffectstv447 viewsRemake with "Cursor" this time…
- Remake, with Cursor
Adobe Edge Animate - Load Background Image (Lesson 3) (remake)
by darkeffectstv1,050 viewsremake with Cursor, as Cursor was not int he original one.…
Adobe Edge Animate Starting Symbol at certain location
by darkeffectstv245 viewsIn this quick tip.
We are going to stop a symbol from playing.…6:53
Adobe Edge Animate Animate Logo to show and hide words
by darkeffectstv418 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to learn how to take an Image (Like a LOGO for a company) and animate it on the screen, and show and hide words.…
Adobe Edge Animate Publish Files and JS Folder
by darkeffectstv758 viewsIn this lesson, we will guide you through the ins and outs of publishing your site from Adobe Edge Animate, to a web server.…
Adobe Edge Animate Create a Pen and write a Line
by darkeffectstv527 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to create a Pen, then write 2 lines.
This can be used in so many different projects, that it is endless.…2:34
Adobe Edge Animate Rollover Button
by darkeffectstv2,195 viewsIn this lesson, I will show you how to code a Rollover Button.
This is a very simple and easy way to create a Rollover Button, with very little effort.…4:06
Adobe Edge Animate show Grid to fine tune your Animation
by darkeffectstv77 viewsHave a lot of Animation in your project?
In this lesson, we are going to show you how to fine tune your animation down to the 30th of a second…16:49
Adobe Edge Animate Create a Menu
by darkeffectstv4,993 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to be creating an animated interactive menu, that is sure to grab your users attention.…
Adobe Edge Animate Menu Slide Down
by darkeffectstv1,175 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to showing you how to create a Sliding Down Menu.
This was really big a few years ago, a lot of sites had these types of menus…9:45
Adobe Edge Animate Menu Slide In from Left
by darkeffectstv358 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to be creating a cool little menu that will slide in from the left.
I have never seen one like this before, and thought that I would create one, to see if it would work good,…4:29
Adobe Edge Animate Pin and Timeline Indicator
by darkeffectstv153 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to go over some basics on how to use the Pin and the timeline indicator. This will come in handy, if you have a big project and you wonder what happened, if something messes up …
Adobe Edge Animate Menu Button Header Footer
by darkeffectstv905 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to be creating a Menu Button, with a Header and Footer.
This is a cool looking button, that will come in handy for some sites.…12:56
Adobe Edge Animate - Shot Bullet from Gun and hit Wall
by darkeffectstv110 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to be creating a gun, a bullet, a wall.
We are then going to shot the bullet, out of the gun, and destroy the wall.…7:44
Adobe Edge Animate Menu Rollover Buttons
by darkeffectstv1,047 viewsIn this lesson we are going to create some Rollover Menu Buttons.…
Adobe Edge Animate - Animate Ball Bounce Squish
by darkeffectstv172 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to animate a ball, of which is going to bounce on the floor, and once it makes contact with the floor, it is going to squish down, just like a real ball will do.…
Adobe Edge Animate - Change Text when Button is clicked
by darkeffectstv353 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to learn how to change the text of Textfield, when a button is clicked.
reusing the same Text Element over and over again, keeps the project clean and tidy.…4:02
Adobe Edge Animate - Space Demonstration (Lesson coming soon!)
by darkeffectstv49 viewsThis is a demonstration of a project that I have been working on for the last few days. This will be turned into a lesson, that will be available within the next week or so…
Adobe Edge Animate - Lesson 1 Space Project
by darkeffectstv87 viewsAdobe Edge Animate space project, showing how to rotate elements around a centered element. Also, how to reuse the same text element over again…
Adobe Edge Animate - lesson 2 Display Planet Information using single text element
by darkeffectstv61 viewsview lesson #1 first:
Adobe Edge Animate - Open Link
by darkeffectstv227 viewsIn this quick how to lesson.
We are going to create a link on Adobe Edge Animate.…2:31
Adobe Edge Animate - Add Sound in MouseOut Event Part II
by darkeffectstv192 viewsThis is a follow up to a previous lesson.
Please view the following lesson to catch up to what this is all about…1:28
Adobe Edge Animate - 3D Planet Effect and Tooltip Flyout Panel (Demonstration)
by darkeffectstv336 viewsThis is the Demo of a lesson that will be released soon.
Planets with a 3D Effect, along with a Tooltip Flyout Panel.…34:42
Adobe Edge Animate - 3D Planet Effect and Tooltip Flyout Panel Lesson
by darkeffectstv339 viewsIn this lesson we will be creating a flyout tooltip, and a browser minimize 3d effect…
Adobe Edge Animate - Create a Loading Page (Like the JQuery gif image)
by darkeffectstv279 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to create an animation that resembles a loading page, or a software installation progress animation.…
Adobe Edge Animate Lesson #1 - Work with Live Web Fonts
by darkeffectstv43 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to work with web fonts the easy way.…
Adobe Edge Animate Lesson #2 - Make an Object follow a Unified Circle on our stage
by darkeffectstv87 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to make a circle go around our stage…
Adobe Edge Animate Lesson #3 - Make Circle Animate into different Shapes
by darkeffectstv100 viewsin this lesson, we are going to make a circle changes it shape…
Adobe Edge Animate CC Lesson #1 Animate a car driving around stage using Motion Path
by darkeffectstv488 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to make a car animate itself around the stage, making it look like it is actually driving around the stage.…
- Demo for future lesson. Image Gallery
Adobe Edge Animate - Demo Image Gallery (Lesson coming soon)
by darkeffectstv81 viewsThis is a demo of the new lesson coming soon.
In this demo you will notice there is:… - This is the lesson for our Edge Animate Image gallery. Enjoy!
Adobe Edge Animate Lesson - Image Gallery
by darkeffectstv114 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to be creating an Image gallery in Adobe Edge Animate…
- News Ticker for your website
Adobe Edge Animate - News Ticker
by darkeffectstv83 viewsUsing Adobe Edge Animate, to create a News Ticker to the bottom of a page.
This is a real simple and easy to create feature for your website.… 4:21
Adobe Edge Animate - Lesson 6 Show/Hide Toggle Button
by darkeffectstv32 viewsUsing a toggle, to show and hide button…
Adobe Edge Animate - Lesson 7 - Move objects around the Timeline
by darkeffectstv16 viewsIn this lesson, we are going to move objects around our timeline, instead of using the Opacity, we are going to do something a little different, that will allow us to do so much more…