Having trouble again. I am SLOWLY getting use to the CC 2014 thing =).
Now I need to be able to target a Symbol on the stage from within an element inside a symbol and append it with an <iframe> and pass attributes to the iframe.
I have a file -- please refer to the videoui symbol and whitewater1.click and whiteawater2.click actions in that symbol (link below (Drop Box)
Here's what I have so far...
// insert code for mouse click here
// Go to a label or specific time and stop. For example:
// sym.stop(500); or sym.stop("myLabel");
// Change the text in an element
sym.$("video-text").html("Video by: TheNigglesbear");
var youtubevidtwo = $("<iframe/>");
youtubevidtwo.attr('src','http://www.youtube.com/embed/eqzwoIQseyA?rel=0'); // url/Video_Id
youtubevidtwo.attr('frameborder','0'); // 1 | 0
youtubevidtwo.attr('allowfullscreen','0'); // 1 | 0
This same code -with different path to symbol of course- works fine on the stage document.compositionReady, but not sure how to target the videoui and append the iframe and its attributes to it from inside another symbol.
Help please -- there really needs to be more ADVANCED examples of possible methods of targeting. I find a lot about targeting symbols inside of symbols,or Stage to symbols, but not much on symbols to stage to another symbol also on the stage.
Thanks in advance.