Thank you sincerly for any help in advance.
A link from my animation is locked inside the dimensions of the original animation. the link should go to new url but opens in i frame instead, scroll-able, within the dimensions of the beginning edge animation from which it linked.
Here is the landing page edge asset and the link is the center pulsing sand grain:
Here is the actions javascript file from the animation. I'm not sure if it's the source.
(function($,Edge,compId){var Composition=Edge.Composition,Symbol=Edge.Symbol;
//Edge symbol: 'stage'
(function(symbolName){Symbol.bindElementAction(compId,symbolName,"${_l anding_sand_grain}","click",function(sym,e){"","_self");});
//Edge binding end
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId,symbolName,"document","compositionRead y",function(sym,e){$("#Stage").css("margin","auto")});
//Edge binding end
//Edge symbol end:'stage'
Here is snippet of CSS from main css page:
#EdgeIDlanding_hourglass_3 {
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
margin-top: 5%;
Here is snippet of HTML from main START INDEX page:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Kinetik Artz Work By Michael Schmidt</title>
<link href="/Stylesheets/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<object id="EdgeIDlanding_hourglass_3" type="text/html" width="222" height="454" data-dw-widget="Edge" data="edgeanimate_assets/landing_hourglass_3/Assets/landing_hourglass _3.html">
Thank you very much for any help