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setTimeout function when targeting a symbol timeline help


Hi good people on the Edge


Can any kind person help with writing a script snippet. 


Both mysymbolname and mybtn are symbols that reside on the stage.  The script required must target the timeline of mysymbolname and play from mylabelname when mybtn is clicked on.  How can I then set a setTimeout function to play the timeline of mysymbolname from position mylabelname after someTimeT seconds? 


In plainer English, the button when clicked will stop mysymbolname timeline and play will commence from mylabelname after some time has elapsed.



So far, I have tried without success:




As an aside, mysymbolname timeline has triggers set to play the timeline after a defined time has passed using a setTimeout function.


Will the command




Override these setTimeout function triggers and bring mysymbolname timeline to a complete stop? So that the setTimeout function will not trigger play of the timeline? I think this will be necessary when targeting mysymbolname timeline when mybtn is clicked.


Any ideas most welcome.

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