So recently I was trying out some edge commons functions and have gotten them to work on browsers. So I wanted to do a little experiment so I've decided to try compile the project with cordova build. Well was hoping for it to work but it seems like somewhere went wrong and when I run the apk, it wasn't even able to retrieve the list of items from the JSON file.
basically the program just loads a list of items from the click of a button and you can also click on the black box on the right to display an image.
//get json information and display
function(data){ console.log("incoming data: ", data);
$.each(, function(index, item){
var s = sym.createChildSymbol( "template", "content");
s.$("title").html( item.item );
s.$("description").html( item.description ); * -500);
s.setVariable("spotlight", item.spotlight );
btw thanks joel pau for helping out previously.
does anyone here have any similar experiences when trying out cordova build with edge animate?
here are my files..
Perhaps there's still some cordova api I'll need to add before compiling??