Good eveningdear members,
I uploadedyoua sample projectto illustratetheproblem. (Dropbox -
Over all I only want toresizea rectanglewith ahover effect. However, the problemarises thatthe sizeof the rectanglewithscale =1changes?!
I createa rectangle"button" and give the "button" as mouseout-action the following code:
varobject =sym$ ("button").
object.css('transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('o-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- ms-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- webkit-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- moz-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- o-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('z-index', '1');
I don´t understandwhythe rectangle is changing!
Maybe you canexplain it to me :-)
Best regardsandmany thanks