Hello. I have been working on Edge Animation which play according to the page scroll.
I have used EdgeCommons.js to play the animation when scroll but when I add the animation to the static website .HTML page it's not working according to the page scroll.
It's targeting edge stage but I want to play to with the browser scroll.
(function ($, Edge, compId) { var Composition = Edge.Composition, Symbol = Edge.Symbol; //Edge symbol: 'stage' (function (symbolName) { Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "document", "compositionReady", function (sym, e) { yepnope({ load: "http://cdn.edgecommons.org/an/1.1.2/js/min/EdgeCommons.js", callback: function () { EC.centerStage(sym); EC.Parallax.setup(sym); $('body') } }); }); //Edge binding end })("stage"); //Edge symbol end:'stage' //========================================================= //Edge symbol: 'Down-level' (function (symbolName) {})("Down-level"); //Edge symbol end:'Down-level' })(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "steps_animation");
in HTML file of the site that code is added