I created an interactive pizza in which someone can choose up to three different toppings. The toppings are Green Pepper, Black Olive, Onion, Pepperoni, and Tomato. A person can drag a topping and drop it onto the pizza. The timeline of my Edge animation then positions itself to where the appropriate graphic is showing the pizza with the particular topping(s). I cannot seem to get the conditional statement to respond. For example, if a person drags a green pepper onto a plain pizza, the timeline should position itself to a green pepper pizza (G). If the pizza already has black olive on it, then if someone drags a green pepper onto the pizza, the timeline should position to a green pepper and black olive pizza (GL); etc. Here is my code; can someone help. Thanks.
sym.$('Pepper').draggable( { revert: 'invalid', zIndex: 100} );
sym.$('dropPepper').droppable( { accept: sym.$('Pepper'), drop: function() {
if(playPosition = 'Plain') {
sym.stop('G'); }
else if(playPosition = 'L') {
sym.stop('GL'); }
else if(playPosition = 'O') {
sym.play('GO'); }
else if(playPosition = 'P') {
sym.play('GP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'T') {
sym.play('GT'); }
sym.$('Olive').draggable({revert: 'invalid', zIndex: 100});
sym.$('dropOlive').droppable( { accept: sym.$('Olive'), drop: function() {
if(playPosition = 'Plain') {
sym.stop('L'); }
else if(playPosition = 'G') {
sym.stop('GL'); }
else if(playPosition = 'O') {
sym.play('LO'); }
else if(playPosition = 'P') {
sym.play('LP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'T') {
sym.play('LT'); }
sym.$('Onion').draggable({revert: 'invalid', zIndex: 100});
sym.$('dropOnion').droppable( { accept: sym.$('Onion'), drop: function() {
if(playPosition = 'Plain') {
sym.stop('O'); }
else if(playPosition = 'G') {
sym.stop('GO'); }
else if(playPosition = 'L') {
sym.play('LO'); }
else if(playPosition = 'P') {
sym.play('OP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'T') {
sym.play('OT'); }
sym.$('Pepperoni').draggable({revert: 'invalid', zIndex: 100});
sym.$('dropRoni').droppable( { accept: sym.$('Pepperoni'), drop: function() {
if(playPosition = 'Plain') {
sym.stop('P'); }
else if(playPosition = 'G') {
sym.stop('GP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'L') {
sym.play('LP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'O') {
sym.play('OP'); }
else if(playPosition = 'T') {
sym.play('PT'); }
sym.$('Tomato').draggable({revert: 'invalid', zIndex: 100});
sym.$('dropTomato').droppable( { accept: sym.$('Tomato'), drop: function() {
if(playPosition = 'Plain') {
sym.stop('T'); }
else if(playPosition = 'G') {
sym.stop('GT'); }
else if(playPosition = 'L') {
sym.play('LT'); }
else if(playPosition = 'O') {
sym.play('OT'); }
else if(playPosition = 'P') {
sym.play('PT'); }