After hours and hours pulling my hair off my poor skull I must confess it's a defeat.
I don't wanna die bald like an egg… so I humbly ask some advice again.
The code Resdesign gave me works perfectly to display random images as well as to assign it a value.
That's the IF statement which is a problem! As a matter of fact, it doesn't work at all ;-(
I don't understand why the variables are not recognized as they are a few lines above…
I tried to put those damn IF statement all around the symbols and actions (mouseover, click, …and so on) but it does'nt work better!
Here is the code of compositionReady, needless to say that any help will be warmly welcome!
//Centrer la scène dans la page
//Changer la couleur du fond
complete: init
function init() {
sym.$("PlusGrand").draggable({opacity: 0.35, revert: 'invalid'});
sym.$("PlusPetit").draggable({opacity: 0.35, revert: 'invalid'});
sym.$("Egal").draggable({opacity: 0.35, revert: 'invalid'});
var myVar = Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1);
var myVar2 = Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1);
//info - verif
//var result= myVar;
sym.$('info').html('The result is: ' + myVar);
//var result2= myVar2;
sym.$('info2').html('The result2 is: ' + myVar2);
var stage = sym.$("Stage");
var symbol1 = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_" + myVar, "container1");
var symbol2 = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_" + myVar2, "container2");
if(myVar > myVar2) {
sym.$('Zone').droppable({accept: sym.$("PlusGrand")}),
alert("Y est!!");
else if(myVar < myVar2) {
sym.$('Zone').droppable({accept: sym.$("PlusPetit")})
else {
sym.$('Zone').droppable({accept: sym.$("Egal")})