Hello everyone,
I encountered a problem using the click action-open url in edge animate.
The assigned action will not work in my web browser, nor will the pointer cursor work.
I think there is an error in the extended code, but I am not sure about this.
(full code:
(function($, Edge, compId){
var Composition = Edge.Composition, Symbol = Edge.Symbol; // aliases for commonly used Edge classes
//Edge symbol: 'stage'
(function(symbolName) {
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_facebook}", "click", function(sym, e) {
// Navigate to a new URL in the current window
// (replace "_self" with appropriate target attribute for a new window)
window.open("http://www.facebook.com/spotlightreclame", "_blank");
//Edge binding end
//Edge symbol end:'stage'
})(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-4703268");
Anyone that can help me here? I am new to html and webdesign so code writing is a minefield for me at the moment...