I am trying to create a player for an "HR type" of eLearning Course. The course needs a player with "back" and "next" btns to load and view the different edge created documents, which could be 50 + different documents/Slides.
I found http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1147003 and http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1149982 but I got lost. first, How do I make an "iframe", and also she mentioned something about id="myFrame"? I tried to open the file she posted to see where I was getting the disconnect but these files are no longer there. could I either get those files:
http://www.meschrene.puremadnessproductions.net/Samples/Multiple/main- file.html
http://www.meschrene.puremadnessproductions.net/Samples/Multiple/main- file.zip
or maybe a more in-depth instruction on how to do this?
This is the code she gave, what is the best way to implement it?
sym.$("fileFour").append('<iframe id="myFrame"src="http://www.meschrene.puremadnessproductions.net/Samples/Multiple/file- four.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
var theIndex = sym.$("btn0").css("z-index");
if ( theIndex == "1") {
sym.$('#file4').detach(); ///removes file 4
sym.$('#file3').detach(); ///removes file 3
sym.$('#file2').detach(); ///removes file 2
sym.$('#file1').detach(); ///removes file 1