So perhaps I didn't look hard enough, but I couldn't find much about the templates in Adobe Edge so I decided to go ahead and use them as I expected them to work. I thought it'd be convenient to essentially copy-paste a page so that I didn't have to re-enter code for each page (like buttons and backgrounds and such), so I made an initial page with all the right code, then "Save As Template"-ed it with the name "2013_portfolio". To create a variation page off of it, I went to "Create From Template" next, selected the template I had created, and it opened, as I expected. I saved it under a different name (in this case, "2013_home.html" was the original page, and I saved a variation as "2013_resume.html").
At this point, I realized I had forgotten some code in my original template, so I went back, deleted the variation, made changes to the original, and saved over the first template. I saved over the original template a few times doing this, but I always made sure it was saving over the original template so that I wouldn't end up with weird copies. (or so I thought.)
So eventually I got the template right and made my variations (same names). Curiously enough, when I looked in the folder that had been created as "2013 portfolio" (the template name), I couldn't see the "2013_resume.html" page that I had just made. Odd, well, I kept pushing forward. I made a few little changes then saved it, and made another variation page called "2013_uxdes.html" .
When I looked at my folder though, I found a baffling sight. I now had three folders, with strangely nested folders within them:
1. 2013_portfolio > edge_includs, "" and its associated files
2. 2013_portfolio1 > 2013_portfolio > 2013_portfolio > edge_includs, "" and its associated files
3. 2013_portfolio2> 2013_portfolio, edge_includs, "" and its associated files, and "" and its associated files > (within that 2013_portfolio folder:) "" and its associated files and "" and its associated files
sooo... I have three auto-created folders, each with confusing nesting and no centralization. What I was expecting was this:
2013_portfolio> edge_includs, "", "", "" and all their associated files
I don't want a huge mess of folders that I have to navigate like a maze. What happened? In the meantime, I plan on deleting all of it and just making a new template, but... well, I hope this is a bug and not on purpose.
Or am I completely misreading what the templates are for and how they work?
input is appreciated,