I'm having no problems getting videos into my An comps. Whether it's from YouTube, Vimeo or locally served. However, an issue has arisen where a client wants a video, from Vimeo in this case, to play from a certain point in said video. I saw a way to do this in the URL but it doesn't seem to work. Plays from the start instead. Here's my code:
var uhligVid = $("<iframe/>");
uhligVid.attr('src','http://player.vimeo.com/video/832162#t-1m54s?title=0&byline=0&portrait =0&autoplay=0'); // url/Video_Id
uhligVid.attr('frameborder','1'); // 1 | 0
uhligVid.attr('allowfullscreen','0'); // 1 | 0
So http://player.vimeo.com/video/832162#t-1m54s the #t represents the place where video should actually start playing. In this case, 1:54 in. Instead, I'm getting 0:00