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how to prevent edge animate from loading jquery if it's already loaded elsewhere


i'm using edge animations on my page via the wordpress edge suite plugin, and i noticed it's loading jquery - i believe this was included when publishing my animation.


<script src="http://mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/edge_suite/edge_includes/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>


but in wordpress jquery is loaded by default.


<script src="http://mysite.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.11.0" type="text/javascript"></script>


how can i prevent edge animate from causing jquery to load twice?

Embed Edge Animate animation into a Powerpoint presentation?


Is there a way to embed the animation I created into a Powerpoint presentation. My client wants a rather detailed animation and I know I can do it in Edge Animate, but how can they use it in their presentation? Is there any workaround for this? All help is really appreciated.

How do I add ' controls webkit-playsinline ' to my video in Edge Animate?


Ok, so I'm getting close to getting my video to stay-put in safari on an iOS device (that's to say; prevent the video from launching into auto-full-screen mode) - with the code below.



<div class="video-frame">

<video width="320" height="240" controls webkit-playsinline ad-outlet="video">

  <source src="media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

  Your browser does not support HTML 5.




However ,as i'm developing in Adobe Edge, im not sure how I add this code (or equivalent) to my Edge project?


Alternatively, if anyone knows how to prevent the iOS device from  auto-full-screening video in a browser, then please share your insight.


Many thanks,

Where do I find "Group elements in div"?


I want to do a pie chart, but I can´t find the Group elements in div up in the modify panel in the new version? Whar happened to it?

Could you remind me where the user preference file is located in Windows


I need to recover this file before IT repairs my computer and load it on the loaner I have. Thanks.

Looping issue and extra space after inserting in DW page


I found an answer to looping an Edge composition, works like a charm in publish preview, still won't loop live on the web. Also when I insert it, it leaves a gap at bottom even though the div is 250 px high and the composition is 250px high... see www.arkaytd.com/dev2, note the gap between the edge composition and the navigation bar. Did not see anything  in the code that would cause it...

Removing Features of Controls, on Embedded Video


Is there any way to remove the expand feature from the controls on an embedded video?  When my video expands... it doesn't center.  Or is there a reason why it isn't centering?

I am having issues with my animation loop.


I am having issues with my animation looping. I have multiple loops with in my animation for certain buttons to appear and show/hide other objects. When I get the loop back to the beginning the first loop that I want to display does in fact appear. But the background image that I had previously hidden does not show. I have tried to add in the show trigger on the same click and it does not show. Can anyone help?

Input Forms in Edge Animate websites?


Is it possible to create

Input Text Fields or Forms

in Edge Animate?




I am trying to build the entire website in Edge Animate. I need to receive Input Texts and create fields for users to upload files etc. My plan is to take care of all the front-end in Edge and then access the fields in back end to do the rest.

Edge 2014.1 - trouble opening old formats (2014.0.1)




I'm trying to open a file with Edge 2014.1 (october 2014) that was created by the previous version (2014.0.1).


It shows a message saying that the file will be automatically upgraded and saved with a suffix 'upgrade'.


After this, when I try to preview it in the browser, the content doesn't show.


Turns out that there is a class (.edgeLoad-EDGE-18915064) used to hide the content while is loading, and, after this, edge is not removing the class to show the content.


I already tried to install the previous version, all looks great, but for some reason, the editor is so sluggish that is almost unusable.



Edge web fonts don´t show in preview


Most of the fonts I add from the Edge library doesn´t show in preview. They seem to fall back on some default font. How do I fix this? Is it only in preview that it doesn´t show correct, or also when publishing?

Edge Animate show me a JS error on open

Stopping Multiple Videos at the same time


I need to figure out how to stop multiple videos from playing at the same time in a class or by other means.  I use Edge Hero to play videos.  I don't expect people to click pause on a video before going to another section of my website and my site has about 30 videos, so I need to figure out a way to pause all videos at the same time if something is clicked that redirects to another section, away from the videos page.... since I won't know which video is actually playing at the time.  Is there a way within edge hero or edge animate itself, whichever would work better, to stop all videos at once?  I tried adding multiple classes to a div with edge hero commands; there were no positive results.  It only ending up stopping the first video mentioned in the class.  Any solution or idea would help.  Thanks!

graphics not importing?


I have the strangest problem - I import a graphic and I get a little blue box on the screen in the top right corner, the graphic looks like it is listed in the Elements panel, but the image has no width or height and does not appear anywhere. Same things happens when I pull a graphic from the Image Library too. This occurs with every existing web page, however, if I start a new page then it works just fine. Any thoughts?

Edge Animate large project video import bug


I'm working on a large project in Edge Animate that will (hopefully) become a full website with lots of video assets.  The videos are various samples of work - not visible until they're selected by various links throughout the site.


I've already built much of the site and imported numerous videos and everything works, but lately when I import video, it comes in at the wrong frame size and aspect ratio.  It's happening even if I re-import video files that were already successfully imported.  If I create a new project and import video into it, the video comes in at the proper size and aspect ratio.  I've tried restarting the computer, recompressing the video, and deleting Edge Animate preferences, but these don't resolve the issue.


I'm using the latest version of Edge Animate CC 2014 (2014.0.1).  Here are my system specs:


OS:  Windows 8 Pro (fully updated)

Processor: Intel Core i7-3930 3.2Ghz

Ram:  64Gb

Video Card: NVidia GeForce GTX680


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Can Edge make ipad/adroid apps?


Hi Everyone. Not sure if this was asked before. I'm new to Edge Animate and was wondering if this software has capability to do ipad/android apps? It has similarities with flash/director. I thought it might have acquired some of those attributes as well.

How do I get animation to play on movement of scrollwheel? (regardless of whether the page actually scrolls)


I've tried calling sym.play() in my scroll event but that doesn't do the trick. I don't want the page to scroll, I just want to play my animation whenever the user flicks the scrollwheel on the mouse. And preferably I would be able to do different actions depending on whether the scroll is up or down. Is this possible?

install old version of Animate


Hello, i have some problems with the new Animate..( using wordpress & edge suit plugin) And i am not familiar with the code to get it done.


Therefore i want to install the old version, which can still make an output for this plugin...


Does anybody know, how i can do that?


* other question, i was looking for a course with Jquery...Needful in the next Animate version?? Or is it no longer used in the new version?


grt marcel

How to run an Edge Animate animation on SharePoint 2007



I have an Edge Animate animation that I can't figure out how to setup to run on SharePoint 2007.

I have tried using a Content Editor Webpart but untill now without any luck.

I hope someone in here will be able to help.


Right now my code look like this;

.edgeframe {
    background: #FFF;
margin-top: 0px;

<div class="edgeframe">

  <object id="EdgeID" type="text/html"   width="960" height="700" src="http://fls-teamsites/application/SPoudemo5/TSETdevelopment/Shared%20Documents/ten_commandm ents_its.html">

I'm really hoping that someone will be able help me with this task.




How to implement Adobe Edge banner to Double Click Studio?




Anyone has experience doing this? They say max file size is 100kb but edge produces files up to 300kb. Also, anyone has added the click tag too?


Any suggestions are welcomed.





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