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My preloader does not center across all devices and resolutions

How do I change the backgground color of the preloader

How do I prevent a higher symbol trapping my clicks


In my composition I've added a symbol to give me an animated menu. However this menu symbol is above the symbol where I need to use a click action and the menu symbol layer seems to be trapping my click event. How do I arrange for the click event to pass through the menu symbol layer?


Peter Small

Reset button


Hello, I have a question about my reset button.

I have one start button, and on several stages there are animations and drag and drop functions..


The idea is to have the possibility to go to the first start slide (reset it too stage 0)

Now at the moment it jumps around true the slides.




Doesn 't work .. there are several object that are hide, and they show up on stage one.
all my hidden objects show random..

So is there a overall code  hide all. just stage_1.


The code is placed on the Button.


Is it better to place  a code on the stage for the reset button.

And , what is the code for this?

Need help communicating between Edge composition and web page


Asking this question again - I'm surprised that I got no response the first time, but I will rephrase it in the hopes that someone can help me.


I have a web page which provides information to a user by reading and displaying data from an XML file. The data is sorted by geographical location - actually by State, as this is a U.S.-based data-set. The page is designed so that the user can either select the State from a drop-down menu, or by clicking on a map.


I have built the map in Adobe Edge - that composition gets loaded into the web page, while the rest of the page (drop-down menus, radio buttons, display fields, etc.) are all built in Dreamweaver.


Currently, I am able to communicate in one direction - from the web page to the Adobe Edge composition. When the user selects a State in the drop-down menu, I am able to tell the Edge composition to update the map and display which State has been selected. However, I also need the communication to go the other way - when the user selects a State on the map, I need to update the drop-down menu to reflect that selection. So far, I have had no success doing this.


The map is built like this: there is a base image that shows all the States. Above the base image, each State has a "highlight state" element (named "StateAbbreviation_on"), which is initially hidden. And above the "highlight state," there is a hotspot (named "StateAbbreviation_off") with opacity set to 0, which receives the mouse-click to select the state. Each hotspot gets an onClick() function, as folllows:


function onClick(obj, myButton){


            // stArray is an array of all State abbreviations (i.e. [AL,AK,AZ...WY])

            //loop through ALL states and turn them off. This is in case the state is picked from the drop-down menu


            for (var i=0; i<stArray.length; i++){

                var tempTarget = stArray[i];

                 var tempName = (tempTarget+"_on");




            //get the name of the clicked button (passed in as myButton), remove "_off" and add "_on" to construct the new name

            //then show the selected state


            var myTarget = myButton;

            var myName = myTarget.slice(6,8);

            var newName = (myName+"_on");





I believe there is a way that I can return a value to my enclosing web page, in order to update the drop-down menu to show the selected State - but I can't figure out how to do it. Help, please?

Edge Animate and Chrome Cache Problem


Strang thing with Edge Animate in Chrome on a Mac or PC. You can not reload it. It plays the first time you go to site, but if you hit refresh or try going back to the page, it will not relaod. I have to delete the cache in order for it to Play again.

Scroll to certain point once press the button, on Edge Animate to iPad device


Good afternoon everyone.


I am trying to figure it out how to create a content which could make scroll to the certain points and stops, depending which button you tap.. 


Once you click on the certain button the content scrolls to the certain point and stops.Or if you tap on the other button it smoothly scrolls back or forward depending on the anchor placed.


It is similar as website, parallax scrolling action, but I am not too sure how to make it working on an iPad device.


Thank yoU!

version of Egde CC 2014.0




I have now on my PC


Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014.0

File version


Is this the correct one to use? or is there a update?

How to include files and dependencies (like txt/json) into package/project ?




I got a project with a JSON file. this one i read to load images and other informations.

Those pictures are in an IMG directory and my json file in the project root.

When i publish my project, Edge Animate dont copy the needed files. Same for the oam package.

How can i include external file into my project?



Animation messed up in Firefox


Hey there!


When working on a project for university, I ran into a problem with an Edge Animate animation.


My animation works perfectly fine in Safari and Chrome but in Firefox it's somehow messed um. The static object is stretched in height and the animated objects don't fit well.

For reference, I uploaded it to: http://kato92.businesscatalyst.com/index.html


I want to publish it as a .OAM and place it in Muse. Doing this didn't fix the problem at all. Even when I preview it in Firefox through Edge Animate, the problem appears.


Im running the latest version of Firefox on a Mac.


I'd really appreciate your help and every suggestion for a solution as this is quite urgent for me!


Thank you and kind regards from Germany


visibility condition




I al trying to make to tell my video, that when it finished if a certain button is visible it does this and that. This  is my code :



   function myHandler(e){

   if (sym.$("down_btn").is(":visible")) {



    sym.$("vitrine_content").animate({"top":"0%"},1000, 'easeOutCubic');


   //document audio lettre à ma mère


   sym.getSymbol("vitrine_content").getSymbol("olga_safille_sym").$("doc_audio_btn").animate ({"opacity":"1"}, 2000);

// document audio proverbe roumain

   sym.getSymbol("vitrine_content").getSymbol("proverbe_roumain").$("doc_audio_proverbe_btn" ).show();

   sym.getSymbol("vitrine_content").getSymbol("proverbe_roumain").$("doc_audio_proverbe_btn" ).animate({"opacity":"1"}, 2000);

   // bouton suite visite


   sym.$("suitevisite_btn").animate({"opacity":"1"}, 2000);



It did work. But it is not working anymore. IS that condition the right way to do in Edge ?

thanks again



Adding own javascript to edge animate


I'm having a bit of trouble adding my own javascipt to an edge animate project. I created a website that has javascipt in it. I am trying to recreate it using edge animate because I was interested in using edge animate to take the site up a notch... basically I have a template of what I need the site to do with the existing javascipt I have, but I haven't gotten it to work integrated into edge animated yet.


I imported all of the images I have from the existing website into edge animate and then relabled all of the instances on the stage to reflect what I have called them in the javascript. I've tried importing my javascript file into the "scripts" section and then just linking to the source in the main html page that edge generates but the javascript doesn't work. Then I've tried putting parts of the script into the CompositionReady panel and onto the button I want clicked directly in the elements.... this works ok, except I have to change the syntax a little (not too much of a pain except when I don't think the edge animate javascript has the same functions).....I'll post below and see if someone can help me get this working either by just linking to the file directly from the html or making the script campatable in edge syntax and posting it in the appropriate element panel. Here is the seperate script from the outside javascript... show I change the syntax and put it directly on the"checkbutton" button in the elements (if so, how?) or should I just link to the file (if so, how come when I put a simple link in the header that it doesn't work: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="js/myscript.js"></script>


script from myscript.js:

//sym.$("pic1a").hide(); //edge animate syntax when in animate panels.... does my external js sheet have to keep this syntax?


var carArrayX = [140,140,330,460,650,765];
var carArrayXcounter = 0;

var carArrayY = [ 440,440,405,390,390,390];
var carArrayYcounter = 0;

$( '#blueCar' ).addClass( "hidden" );

var counterBox = 0;

     if (counterBox == 0)
         alert("Please choose an answer");
     else if (counterBox > 1)
         alert("Please choose only one answer");
     else if (counterBox == 1)
         $(this).css('background-image', 'url(button_down.png)');


           $( '#pic3a' ).removeClass( "hidden" ); //correct answer
           $( '#pic1a' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#blueCar' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
            left:carArrayX[carArrayXcounter] + "px",
            top:carArrayY[carArrayYcounter] + "px"
           carArrayXcounter ++;
           carArrayYcounter ++;

           var cookieXcounter = carArrayXcounter;
           var cookieYcounter = carArrayYcounter;


           $( '#pic1b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1c' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1d' ).addClass( "hidden" );
          else if($("#pic2b").hasClass("hidden")){
           $( '#pic4b' ).removeClass("hidden");//incorrect answer
           $( '#pic1b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1a' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1c' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1d' ).addClass( "hidden" );;
          else if($("#pic2c").hasClass("hidden")){
           $( '#pic4c' ).removeClass( "hidden" );//incorrect answer
           $( '#pic1c' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1a' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1d' ).addClass( "hidden" );;
          else if($("#pic2d").hasClass("hidden")){
           $( '#pic4d' ).removeClass( "hidden" );//incorrect answer
           $( '#pic1d' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1a' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
           $( '#pic1c' ).addClass( "hidden" );;

      $( '#pic1a' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2a' ).addClass( "hidden" );


      $( '#pic1b' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1c' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2c' ).addClass( "hidden" );

      $( '#pic1d' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2d' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1e' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2e' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1f' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2f' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2a' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1a' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2b' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1b' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2c' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1c' ).addClass( "hidden" );

      $( '#pic2d' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1d' ).addClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic2e' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1e' ).addClass( "hidden" ); 
      $( '#pic2f' ).removeClass( "hidden" );
      $( '#pic1f' ).addClass( "hidden" );

Scale simple rectangle with .css on hover


Good eveningdear members,
I uploadedyoua sample projectto illustratetheproblem. (Dropbox - Example.zip)
Over all I only want toresizea rectanglewith ahover effect. However, the problemarises thatthe sizeof the rectanglewithscale =1changes?!

I createa rectangle"button" and give the "button" as mouseout-action the following code:

varobject =sym$ ("button").

object.css('transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('o-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- ms-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- webkit-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- moz-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('- o-transform', 'scale(' + rescale+ ')');
object.css('z-index', '1');

I don´t understandwhy
the rectangle is changing!

Maybe you canexplain it to me :-)

Best regardsandmany thanks


Video wont render in FireFox on Mac?

I have Samsung SII cellphone and can do what I want to buy but dont know what to buy on photo effects advanced and make my laptop program use ("SPHERICITY") do you have anything that I can convert or use to convert saving a mouth of a picture of a personu

how can i switch layers, to put one in front of the other?


how can i switch layers, i have two images(one animated) and the animated layer has to cover the other image

wow slider in edge animate


how can i add a wow slider in my edge animate website project ?

video problem




I have a problem video's in Edge.
The problem is that edge projects that has video (mpeg-4) doesn't play always, or is downloading all the time.
The files are relay small.

What is the problem here?



Stage programming ?




I have an question about, programming ( just) using the Stage.
I am making a larger project in Edge, including drag and drop, hidden objects etc.
In total I have 3 Stages,  Stage 0 is the start.

At the end of my project, I want the possibility that you can go to Stage_1.
So, I made a Symbol Reset. to Stage_1


This doesn't work, because it gives random stops. Not to Stage_1
Is this because there are hidden object?


It is total unstable,


That's way I am thinking that the stage is a better way to access the object for actions..
if this is so, How can I make just a reset BTN for Stage_1, that just shows this stage??



Animation not playing correctly on Chrome for Android on tablet


I'm having a strange issue with the Edge animate animations in a site I'm currently building.

In desktop browsers the site is fine (IE 8+, Chrome, FF, Safari).

On my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Chrome and Firefox everything is fine too.

On my Asus Transformer Infinity using Chrome, something strange happens. The animation either doesn't start or starts to play and then kind of plays in reverse and tries again. For example, I have an object that fades in as it slides down. It will partially fade/slide in then get stuck and fade/slide out! It's very jerky and keeps looping like that forever, UNLESS I scroll down to where the content should finish and then the animation completes and plays smoothly.

It's also fine when using Firefox on this tablet.


I haven't been able to test it on an iPad or iPhone yet, so I'm not sure if this is specific to Chrome Android or is a Webkit issue.


Anyone have any ideas about what's going on?

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