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How do i start video and audio at the same time in ios


How do i start video and audio at the same time in ios?

I have tried a lot of different ways but i cant figure it out?


I can get the sound and animation (timeline) to start playing.

There is no problem to start the video and the animation at the same time.

But i cant get both the video and the audio to start playing when i press a button.


It works great in OSX and on windows?


Here is an example:

// insert code for mouse click here

// Play an audio track




// Play a video track




// Play the timeline at a label or specific time. For example:

// sym.play(500); or sym.play("myLabel");


Drag problem on Microsoft Surface 1


Hello, I explain my little problem

I use Jquery and jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js to make Drag work on mobile device....and you know what it works !!


But because there is a but, I had to add an empty swipeleft function in edge to fixe the screen on Microsoft Surface 1 when I drag from the left or right, but if I try to drag from the top to the bottom it doesn't work, the Focus seems to be on the mobile device, not on the animation...I hope I am clear


Is someone have a solution for that ?


thanks for your help, and excuse my english

What does the acronym "OAM" stand for ?


It might seem a trivial question, but as a trainer my goal is to make things less complicated or at least more understandable to my course attendees. Describing the oam file in Adobe Edge Animate is one of such areas where students get lost. Why is it called an "Animate Deployment Package" in Edge Animate, "Edge Animate Composition" in Dreamweaver, and an "Animated Widget File" elsewhere, while the extension is "OAM", and what does the abbreviation stand for actually ? Consistent use of a file format's name and logical extension would help users understanding it better.

Is it possible to use Edge Animate CC to create a dynamic bar graph with data from a MySQL database?


I am still fairly new to Edge Animate and I am having great success creating animations and interactive content. Is Edge Animate CC able to create dynamic animations based on data taken from a MySQL database? Will I be able to use php to interface with edge and the database?

Is theire a way to delay a pop-up for a few seconds?



Once you alter a icon on the website, a pop-up is shown. Is there a way to delay that po-up time?

The mouse-over is now:


// insert code to be run when the mouse hovers over the object

// Show an element







controlling playback of an edge OAM file in dreamweaver


I have a number of edge animate files on a single dreamweaver page, but they all start playing when the page loads.


How do I control the play back of each in dreamweaver?


I need to pause them until the user scrolls down to each section the are in.

SVG graphic appears pixelated


Hi there,


I placed text into an circle. In Edge preview all appears perfectly. But when I uploade the oam file, the line spacing and the font size has changed. Therefore it wont fit into the circle.


To fix this, I converted in illustrator the text into vector graphic and placed it in Edge. With Edge preview all appear perfectly. But when I upload the oam the text in the inner circle is pixelated. It is kind of strang because the text in the outer circle (eg. Major surgical complications) is also a pasted vector graphic. In Google Chrome everything look quite good but in Safari looks like it is pixelated.


What can I do to solve the issue?


Here is the link to to graphic: ichom - mind-made





Bildschirmfoto 2014-09-04 um 08.15.32.png

Text over an oak file in dos


I have an oam animation that I want to put text over in indesign, yet when I preview the article, the screen bilks to wite and then animates with out the text over it. How do I fix this?

Backwards compatibility


Hi all!


I am currently using Edge Animate CC 2014 (4.0.0 build).


This morning a fellow sent to me an Animate file made with 4.0.1 version. I wasn't unable to open it with my 4.0.0 as the file "was made with a newer version of Animate"11


Is that a joke? How come a X.X.1 millimetric version difference can fire a Backwards Uncompatibility??

I want to think that this is a slippery bug and it's not made on purpose...


Thanks !!



Edge Animate playing all symbols on replay?


Hi, I am at my wits' end here--I've created a basic animation using Edge Animate CC 2014.0.1, featuring groups of symbols which have a stop trigger at the beginning of the animation and are then played at the appropriate time. It works fine--the first time through. However, I added a "replay" button which loops back to a point early in the animation (but not the very beginning), and on the replay, all the symbols display their end state from the beginning (even though I had them fading to 0 before the loop trigger), until they play again. This seems to happen whether I loop to the beginning or another point.


If this sounds familiar, it's because I asked a similar question a few months ago (about symbols autoplaying), but this time no amount of tweaking or trigger nudging seems to get them to disappear. Any thoughts? Composition is attached.




Any ideas are appreciated!

How do you Play audio only OAM file with the scroll in Muse ?


Hi guys,


I am building a pretty cool site that shows off a telescopic pole with scroll animation ..


I am trying to add the audio of the pole telescoping with the scroll when the pole section scrolls on ..


Check out the site at :  http://www.multi-pole.com


Thank you



How to scale content that is clipped?




I have an animation where a div which has a circle in it is clipped (it is supposed to be an eye which 'blinks' by using the clipping section).


I switched all my widths/height/x/y to percentages and my animations seems to scale but the clipping sections do not. How do I deal with this in order to make a design responsive?

variable created on click in edgeActions.js but want to reference it in external js file


Hi, I created a variable on-click in edgeActions.js but want to reference it in external js file. This is where I am at so far:


In my edgeActions.js I st a variable on compositionReady and then use it when I click on the symbol: questionMarkR1. This works fine.. the problem is that I don't know how to reference the variable in my external js file. This first code is working from the edgeActions.js:



Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "document", "compositionReady", function(sym, e) {


         sym.setVariable("questionAsked", false); // sets the initial value



Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_questionMarkR1}", "click", function(sym, e) {


         var questionAsked = sym.getVariable("questionAsked");


         if (questionAsked)// if true
         sym.$("checkButton2").removeClass( "hidden" );
         sym.$("popUp").removeClass( "hidden" );

         else  //if false


         sym.$("pic2a").removeClass( "hidden" );
         sym.$("pic2b").removeClass( "hidden" );
         sym.$("pic2c").removeClass( "hidden" );
         sym.$("pic2d").removeClass( "hidden" );
         sym.$("closeBox").removeClass( "hidden" );



This next part doesn't work because I don't know how to reference the variable correctly. This is what I have tried and it doesn't work:


     var questionAsked = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable("questionAsked");


Edge Animate JS files


Is it possible to place edge animate js files in one folder when same html file is in different folder.

Local storage - saving/retrieving data in Edge Animate


I have a text field called "textfield" and I would like to save this information locally (it is a touch screen presentation) when pressing a button.

Also I´d like to be able to retrieve the information to the same text field after restarting the application.

I´ve read this is possible with Local storage. But how do I do this? (I´m mostly a designer, but can do a little bit of code).



Custom web fonts won't appear in published content


Hi there,


I'm using Custom web fonts in Edge Animate template successfully, however when I'm publishing the content from Edge Animate, the referenced fonts (in .css file) won't appear in published folders.

CSS file content:


@font-face {

  font-family: "icon-font";


  src:url("fonts/icon-font.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"),

    url("fonts/icon-font.woff") format("woff"),

    url("fonts/icon-font.ttf") format("truetype"),

    url("fonts/icon-font.svg#icon-font") format("svg");



I've tried publishing for "Web", "Animate Deployment Package" and for "iBooks / OSX" all without any luck.

Is there any way do embed the fonts when publishing?


Thank you in advance,



Edge/jQuery Function Scope: need advice


Hi all ...


I'm having difficulty with my Adobe Edge Animate code finesse, and I could use some advice. I'm more of a coder than an Edge/Flash guy, so I'm having trouble understanding the scope of variables and where I can use variables and anonymous functions on the global scope.


I wrote a Tic-Tac-Toe game in Edge Animate, and I'd like many of my functions to be scoped globally so that I can just call them on a click action and play back the timeline once the function returns a response.


Here's a typical onclick action:


         thisSym = sym.getSymbol("b1");

         var thisWinner = checkChoice(1, thisSym);


          // problematic code

         if (thisWinner === 1) {

          sym.getSymbol("winBox").$("theText").html("X WINS!");


         } else if (thisWinner === 2) {

          sym.getSymbol("winBox").$("theText").html("O WINS!");




Note that b1 is a square on the Tic-Tac-Toe grid and checkChoice is a function I wrote in Full Code view to handle checking whether the clicked box returns a winner.


Currently, when I return a winner (1 for "X", 2 for "O") you'll note that I can go to a specific area on the timeline, dynamically update the text to say "X Wins" or "O Wins" depending on whomever wins, and then sym.play(2500) to go to the main timeline.


Here's the problem: I want to abstract the portion of this click action that comes after my comment //problematic code. What's stopping me? The ability to control the stage timeline from outside of the stage scope in the code. I can *do* all the logic and get console.log to print whatever I want, but I can't get the stage to move to 2500.


Any thoughts or advice? A good article on using custom functions in Edge Animate would be extremely helpful.




Indesign to Ipad Animation



I created a cover animation and imported it to my indesign file.


After updating it on on my folio builder the animation needs a tap to start on the iPad.


I will like the animation to start instantly on the iPad without a tap.


Can anyone help me troubleshoot.





errores en Animate (versión de prueba)


La versión de prueba de Edge Animate CC 2014 presenta numerosos errores y fallos que hacen imposible evaluar sus posibilidades y que

generan dudas sobre su  adquisición.

Embedding Edge code into Kentico CMS


We would like to implement Adobe Edge into our current CMS (Kentico). Our developer is telling us that Edge creates too many files to upload for it to be effective in our CMS. Can anyone give any insight on embedding Edge files into a CMS? I assume it can be done. Please let me know if more information is needed.

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