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animated button with delayed mouseover / mouseout actions


Hello everyone,


I have a symbol in Edge that fades in a button and then stops. I'd like for the mouse over and mouse out actions for this button to be disabled during the button's fade in period and then active once the button has fully appeared. Basically, an issue occurs when a user hovers over the button when the symbol is initially fading in and it causes undesired results. I'd appreciate it if anyone can offer some insight on how to postpone the actions until the playahead reached a certain point in the timeline.


Much thanks,



Edge Animate and iPhone 4?


I added a play button to my animation (so that it'll work in iOS), but now once i hit the play button on my iPhone, the animation is blank...

any ideas?

html dies on publish


Playback in preview works. When published we merely get the background box and all animations never play, however audio doesn't seem to be effected.

Animation weiterverlinken zu dem zum Button gehörenden Layer


Version: Edge Animate 2014.01


ich habe folgendes Problem.


In meiner Animation gibt es 5 Button die bei Klick

auf einen der Buttons auf den entsprechenden Layer in der Zeitleiste springt.

Das funktioniert auch soweit.


Jedoch habe ich vor dem ersten Layer eine Animation erstellt, die bei Klick

auf einen der Button (egal auf welchen Button ich klicke) ablaufen soll und danach

zu dem zum Button gehörenden Layer springen soll.



Ich habe diesen Code: sym.stop("muenchen");

jedoch bleibt meine Animation am ersten Layer stehen.


Wie muss mein Code aussehen damit bei jedem Button erst die Animation abläuft

und dann auf dem richtigen Layer stehen bleibt.

"unknown c++ exception" when trying to delete keyframes


Edge Animate (or at least the latest version) is a mess. I'm trying to animate a symbol, but when i try to delete or copy certain keyframes, i get an error message that says "(unknown c++ exception)".


This means that when the error occurs, theres no way for me to edit the animation. All I can do is delete the symbol and start again and hope it just works. Which is not really manageable.


I downloaded and installed the previous EA version, but I cant open the current composition with it, because it says the EA version is too old.


So I guess the only solution is to just rebuild the composition in the previous version and keep using it until Adobe fixes the issues? Does that make sense or is there better solution?


Also can anyone confirm that the previous version is less buggy?

Purchase Adobe Edge Animate app



I already have photoshop and illustrator ID, but I want know to buy the edge animate for html5.

How do I do that ? Can't see it on the app to purchase, for individuals.

Please help.



Completely deactivating a video or a trigger by click


Hey helpful guys,


just another coding rookie trying to get along with Edge Animate. Interesting stuff but still pretty complicated. I got a simple question.


Is there a way to completely deactivate/ignore a video or a trigger on the timeline with a click on a button? Not only hide or stop it but completely ignore/kill it for everything that happens later.


The problem: I got a video that starts by clicking a button. After it finishes i want the next video to start 5 seconds later automatically if the user doesn‘t do anything. If he clicks on another button within those 5 seconds he gets to another video and the autovideo should be disabled. Everything i tried wouldn't work.


So i would really love to deactivate/completely ignore that autovideo by clicking the button. Hiding/Stoping wouldn't work for me because the action that happens after the click (the start of the video) seems to override my first command.


What would be the best way to do that?

Thank you in advance. Any help would be very appreciated.



Customising thumbnails of template files


Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to customise the thumbnail of an antmpl file?

My department currently use Edge Animate to create e-Learning modules. To speed up the process we've made template files for each of the pages that are used within a course, e.g. chapters, quizzes, but as the templates are mostly white it takes more time to distinguish between them.

The current thumbnails do have titles underneath them but a graphic would speed things up a little. I could add a graphic as the top layer of the template but then it would be a nuisance for users, having to delete it each time they created a new page.

How to index array of JSON


Hi, I have this structure of JSON:



    "Colors": [


            "1subcolor": [


                    "title": "1st color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "2subcolor": [


                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "3subcolor": [


                    "title": "3nd color",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd color",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd color",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"





    "Handle": [


            "1subhandle": [


                    "title": "1st handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "2subhandle": [


                    "title": "2nd handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd handle",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "3subhandle": [


                    "title": "3nd handle",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd handle",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd color",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"





    "Access": [


            "1subacc": [


                    "title": "1st acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "1st acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "2subacc": [


                    "title": "2nd acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd color",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "2nd acc",

                    "description": "1st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



            "3subacc": [


                    "title": "3nd acc",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd acc",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"



                    "title": "3nd color",

                    "description": "3st Image",

                    "seira": "toy-B",

                    "image": "images/wheel_cool.png",

                    "largeimage": "images/wheel_cool.png"







I created dynamically the 3 buttons that I want, with the the names (Color, Handles, Accesories)


$.getJSON(jsonfile, function(data){

          $.each(data, function (array, index) {

          console.log("first each",index, array);

                        $.each(index, function (k, value) {

                        console.log("second each",value);

       var s = stage.createChildSymbol("submenutemplate","menuofmodelscontents");

       var r = s.getSymbolElement();



Now,how  can I make the above array to be indexed as 0,1,2 as i want to be able to create a click action on those buttons.


And when I'll click for example Colors, the array 1st/2nd/3rdsubcolor to be displayed as title of a div and the objects of the same array to be displayed.

My problem here is how to get the data of the above JSON which is in another dynamic symbol, to the created dynamic symbol submenutemplate, eg. (Colors, Handles, Accessories) and create dynamic symbol with the objects.


here is the link to the files Dropbox - complex-json.zip

Trigger is being ignored in latest version of Edge CC 2014


Amongst other issues in the latest version of Edge, I'm experiencing faults with triggers in the timeline.


Edge seems to be ignoring most triggers which I'm using to control the timeline. Strangely 'stop' seems to work whereas 'play' fails. For example, I can target the contents of a symbol and choose to 'stop' the timeline at a predefined label, but if I swap the command to 'play' the same code fails and the timeline plays from the start.


We really need this sorted quickly. I've lost 2 days work now. This version of Edge has so many faults. I'm surprised that the forums aren't bursting at the seams with users experiencing the same issues.

Edge Animate Best Practices


Dear Community,


I have been wracking my brain to try to understand why my animation appears constantly jerky. I am new to Edge, and not a coder, and Im wondering why this happens:




What am I missing? I wanted to ask some best practices regarding


File Sizes: My pngs generally range from 30-90KB, with larger background images up to 500KB. Is this too much? What are appropriate file sizes for this kind of animation?

Animation Lengths: 2-3 second transitions, and constant back and forth motions.Too much at once?

Overlapping Layers: There is a lot of opacity changing in this - Is it not good to have things animate one on top of the other?

Animating Re-sizing: Maybe this is too much to ask? To zoom out?

Thank You!


Unsupported Path(s) Error


I am not sure what is happening but recently when I have created projects in Edge Animate CC 2014.1 I have been getting this error.


Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 8.02.18 PM.png

It shows up when I preview. Everything works fine when I click ok but just is annoying having to close it out. I have searched through all the code seeing where this might be referenced but no luck so far. Any help would be appreciated.

Can I have the "Preview in Browser" target the same window?


Each time we preview in browser edge animate creates a new tab (and closes the js console etc). Can we target one tab and reload?

How to scroll down to an anchor ?


Hi guys,


I've been working on this since yesterday...

Here'se the deal : I'm trying to make an interactive flowchart with Edge Animate.

The purpose is that users will click on buttons that will give them access to a new button.

When then Click, I want the page to automatically scroll down to the next button (smoothly if possible) like you can see on this exemple : http://sandbox.castersblues.com/infographic/landing.html

I want to click on button A then auto scroll to button B, then click and auto scroll to button C etc.


I tried many things from answers I found on internet, but I have'nt been able to apply them to my case.

So here are the questions :


- Is there a scrollTo fonction in Adobe Edge ?

- Is it possible to create an anchor in the document ?

- If I make a symbol, is the symbol's ID gonna be the anchor ? (I tried that but not working so far)


I tried the javascript as described here http://www.webmuse.co.uk/blog/jquery-plugin-to-animate-scrolling-to-anchor/

but wasn't able to make it work...


If you have any pieces of advice, that would be a great help for me !


Thanks everybody

When I try to make a rectangle, I get a error and it EA crashes...


I don't seen a way around this, as I need a rectangle and it crashes and says it has a C++ error, and I have to quit every time and try to redo it. How can I uninstall this version and reload the previous version? Thanks for your help.

how to link javascript function to my edge animate project?


I currently have a working email form using PHP in my edge animate project and am trying to add form validation to it.


I am having trouble linking this code to my project (or just adding it in) for basic email validation but edge gives me a syntax error each time I do?


This is the simple javascript I want to run:


function IsEmail(email) {  var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;  return regex.test(email);

Why show me this message


Why show me this message when you load the program "trying to connect the server

Adobe Edge Animate CC (previous versions too) keep crashing when opening OS X file panels


Hello there,


Edge Animate CC crashes almost 30% of the time it opens a standard file OS X window (such as Open, Save, etc). It's a nightmare as you never know if your project is going to be saved or killed...


I had the same exact problem in previous versions.

Tried uninstall and clean preferences and re-install, no solution.


Crash happens randomly when accessing the standard OS X file panel, you see the very first frames of the panel opening (zooming from center screen) and just after that it crashes.


At the moment I can reproduce the crash with 100% chance in this way:


- Launch Animate CC

- Create a new project

- Go to Library>Symbols>Import Symbols

- crash



PS: There is no Edge Animate listed in the bug submission form page!

click to scroll to a point of the stage on a parallax website using edge commons


Hi Edge community,

I need help to finish a parallax website that I created using the edgecommons library.

this is what I've done up till now:

Le Papillon - Singapore


I'd like to add the possibility to smoothly scroll to a certain point/percentage of the scrollbar by clicking on a link in a (future) fixed navbar instead of using the mouse wheel.

Which is the best way to achive this?

Thank you,



My game will not work in the updated Adobe Edge


Last year I made a side-scrolling game for an art exhibition using Adobe Edge. Recently, I opened the game in the updated Adobe Edge in order to create a web-friendly version for my online portfolio. When I try to test the automatically updated file in my browser, it runs normally for about 8 seconds then freezes, producing the following error in console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_getTimeline' of undefined


Any ideas? Thanks!

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