Hi Guys
I found this really neat open source .js script for spiing an image sequence. The 1st script below works a treat in Dreamweaver, but struggling as ever to translate it to EA.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8' content='text/html' http-equiv='Content-type' />
<script src='jquery-1.9.1.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='jquery.reel-1.2.1-bundle.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<img id="image" src='fish/DSCN0691.JPG' width="210" height="186" />
$(function(){ // when DOM ready
images: 'fish/DSCN####.JPG|691..702'
and below is how I've tried to adapt it for Edge Animate
* Adobe Edge Animate Composition Actions
* Edit this file with caution, being careful to preserve
* function signatures and comments starting with 'Edge' to maintain the
* ability to interact with these actions from within Adobe Edge Animate
(function($, Edge, compId){
var Composition = Edge.Composition, Symbol = Edge.Symbol; // aliases for commonly used Edge classes
//Edge symbol: 'stage'
(function(symbolName) {
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "document", "compositionReady", function(sym, e) {
complete: init
function init() {
var stage = sym.$("image");
$(function(){ // when DOM ready
images: 'fish/DSCN####.JPG|691..702'
//Edge binding end
//Edge symbol end:'stage'
})(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-10368737");
I have placed the first frame image on the stage and called the div "image" - although I see no reference to it in the full code in EA
Any ideas?