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Published animation downloads audio file twice


Hey guys, I'm somewhat new too animate. My issue that that when playing the animation in the browser, the browser downloads to instances of the same audio file. I only have one instance in the time line. Any suggestionsScreen Shot 2014-07-31 at 8.49.05 AM.png?

Accessing into element of a child symbol with array


Hi, I have this code:


var aXefsA = [];

for (var i = 1; i <= maxXefs; i++) {

     sXefA = sym.createChildSymbol("sXefA", "rXefsList");

     aXefsA[i] = sXefA;


     aXefsA[i].getSymbolElement().css("left",x); //works fine

     sym.getSymbol(aXefs[i]).$("foto").css("background-image",'url('+'images/'+fXefs[i].imatge +')'); //don't work



In last line the console show this error: Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = element


I try too:

     sym.getSymbol(sXefA).$("foto").css("background-image",'url('+'images/'+fXefs[i].imatge+') '); //don't work


     var symTest = sym.getSymbol(aXefs[i]);

     sym.getSymbol(symTest).$("foto").css("background-image",'url('+'images/'+fXefs[i].imatge+ ')'); //don't work

but nothing, why?

How can I center responsively content? Similar to using Center Background Image


I want my content to stay centered when resizing from 1230 to 800. When I get there I will use edge commons and instert another layout.

I can achieve it with a jpeg background and it move perfectly. But when I add HTML text and elements to stage they dont't have that option to center only snap to left or right but they don't move correctly in the center.





Fail in Chrome


Hello guys, I have a edge Html that it works correctly in almost all browers but Chrome 37(Windows 7) some images and text disappear. Why happen this? I use CC 2014.

Drag and drop counter which activates a animation when certain number is reached


     Hi there guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem, I'm using adobe edge to create a drag and drop game and I want edge to use a counter to track how many draggable parts have been dropped in their repective targets, when a certin number of elements have been dropped I would like edge to automaticly reveal a button so the user can move on. I have the code and I think I may be on the right track but I may be miss placing some code


Any help woud be great


   // insert code to be run when the symbol is created here

         yepnope({nope:['jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js', 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.js'], complete: init});




         function init(){

                   //Use the code! Draggable! Droppable!!

                   sym.$('Leftpole3').draggable({opacity:.5, revert:'invalid'});


                   sym.$('Leftpole2').draggable({opacity:.5, revert:'invalid'});


                   sym.$('Leftpole1').draggable({opacity:.5, revert:'invalid'});






                             drop: function () { 

                                                  sym.setvarible("count", count + 1)









                             drop: function () {














                             drop: function () {

                                                  sym.setvarible("count", count + 1)









                             drop: function () {








                             drop: function () {

                                                  sym.setvarible("count", count + 1)









                             drop: function () {








         // Set the value of a Symbol variable








         if("count"==3) {








Video loop question




I have a video in my composition, it plays/looks nice but I need it to continuously loop.


I moved the playhead to the end of the video and added a trigger:



I even tried





but these aren't working.




Thanks in advance,



masking + animation in Animate tutorial announcement!


Many have asked if it is possible to use a mask in Animate and I have provided an exampe earlier on this forum. After exploring some more I crating a tutorial where you can use a mask and animate through it.

Check it out next  Monday on edgeHero.com!

if else statement regarding the position of playhead in a symbol


Hi there,


I am really new to adobe edge and also java script, so my question here could be an easy one to be answered, at least I hope so.


My problem is following:


I have two symbols resp. two movieclips on the stage, and they are happening on the same place within the stage, but - of course - not at the same time. That's at least what I am trying to accomplish with if statement.


The scenario is following: When I press button 1, the animation (symbol) 1-a is playing until the frame 50 and it stays there until I hit close button, then it plays from 50 to 100 and returns to frame 1 within the symbol 1-a.


There is also animation (symbol) 2-a, which also plays until frame 50 and stays there, and this at the same place within the stage.


What I would like to do is following: When I press button 1 for example for playing animation 1-a, firstly it should check where is the playhead of the animation 2-a, and if it is frame 50, then the hitting of the button 1 should firstly play resp. close the animation 2 and then play animation 1 until 50.


I hope I could explain my problem sufficiently, and I am looking forward to answers.



IF statements and Page Transitions


I'm wondering if someone can help with my site.


I have a site where I animate the second menu upwards covering or rolling up the banner and then displaying the other pages. I would like this site to do two things:


1. When clicking on any link, determine if the banner is covered ('UP Position') or down. If down, animate the menu and roll up the banner to show the content. If up, then just display the page content.


2. Page transitions, I would like to be able to fade the page to introduce the next page based on the elements above.


If anyone could point me in the right direction with some syntax examples I would greatly appreciate it.

How to alighn borders of Symbol to it's content?



how actually edit the borders of a symbol? I can change it's size, but how to align it with it's content if they are mismatch?

Responsiveness relative to centre


Me and I`ve noticed a lot of people too, need to centre their elements in a responsive layout.

As far as I know, there's no option for this in Edge Animate (without coding).


A really helpful update to the program to implement the feature, would be more than welcome.


This is how the 'relative to..' icon, I think, it should look like:


How do I add an anchor link to text in Adobe Edge?


I currently have an adobe edge animation running at the top of a page. Within the animation I want to create an anchor link that will be for content at the bottom of the page, outside of the edge animation.


Does anyone know how I would do this?



adding to a website animation made in edge animate

Edge web banner and clicktag




Is it posible to place a Edge Animation on a website, just like you can do with a flash web banner?

What files do I have to send to the website-owner?

How do I save my Edge Animation so that I have the files I nead?


And can I ad a clicktag to the Edge animation so that it is trackable?

CreateChildSymbol, then Delete it?




I'm trying to delete a symbol after I have created it. At the start of my main timeline, I can create a symbol without any issues. But trying to then remove that symbol is a problem, it just wont do it... It keeps added the same symbol one under another (timeline is on a loop). This is on my first frame:


sym.createChildSymbol("Food_Spanner", "DropPoint");
var food_sym = Food_Spanner.getSymbolElement();


Then about 15 frames later:


food_sym.deleteSymbol(); //nothing

//so I try this:

sym.getSymbol("Food_Spanner").deleteSymbol(); //nothing
sym.getSymbol(food_sym).deleteSymbol(); //again, nothing


What am I doing wrong here?

Why is my symbol loaded dynamically from library not working?


Hope someone could help,


The code in "Example1" work fine if the video symbol is located on the stage. But what I'm trying to do is load the video symbol from the library dynamically and that doesn't work as illustrated in "Example2".

My question is why does Example1 work and Example2 not work?



var youtube = $("<iframe/>");


youtube.attr('type', 'text/html');

youtube.attr('width', '560');

youtube.attr('height', '315');

youtube.attr('src', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/A3PDXmYoF5U');


youtube.attr('allowfullscreen', '0');





sym.myVideo = sym.createChildSymbol("video", "Stage");


var youtube = $("<iframe/>");


youtube.attr('type', 'text/html');

youtube.attr('width', '560');

youtube.attr('height', '315');

youtube.attr('src', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/A3PDXmYoF5U');


youtube.attr('allowfullscreen', '0');


Thanks in advanced,


Bug CC2014 : rename a div




I encounter a bug with Edge Animte CC 2014 since the last upgrade : I can't rename a div correctly.

I need to modify it letter by letter to validate the new name and that isn't effective each time.


my config : windows 8


Thanks in advance,


How to create a delay function in a trigger


I have a problem, i need create a function delay in the timeline with a trigger.


I want that my animation play every 3 seconds until the next sym.stop and then play again after 3 seconds.


Ej. I have 3 triggers in the timeline:








My idea is make a delay in all the triggers, like this:



delay.play (2000)




delay.play (2000)




delay.play (2000)



Cause I dont know how to elaborate a function in jquery i pray for your help.



Adobe Edge Animate CC crashes when using big SVG images



When I import SVG files to Edge Animate it freezes and I can't do something with that.

I tried to import one file at a time and it worked fine but when I save project and close program and then open my project again Edge Animate just crashes.

Also I tried to import very small images (100px x 100px) and then scale them to size I need and it causing app crash too.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.9.4

Where are my discussions


Yet again another 'improvement' by the propeller heads at Adobe, or Jive, or whatever trendy name they can come up with. Now I can't find my discussions. Used to be a link. Gone. Any ideas? Do we need a forum on how to relate to Adobe?

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