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Using variables across timelines help


I wonder how can I use this code for a nav to change over and out states.


This line of code works.


sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("Section2").getSymbol("map_Popups").getSymbol("U SA").play("Over");



I try to save each country into a variable but doesn't work.


sym.setVariable("current2", "USA");



Create a animated icon using Adobe Edge...


Hi there, I have never used Adobe Edge but before I install I wanted to know if it could create a animated icon that's looping and that has transparencies...


I have tried animated gifs, but the transparency suck big time...


I have tried APNG but Chrome does not support...


So in my search for solution I found Adobe Edge...


So if it's doable can you guys help me or send me in the right direction...





Randomize color every N seconds


Hello Everyone!


I'm new to the forum and to Edge Animate. I've worked before with Flash (actionscript), (a little) javascript and processing and some web design but I'm having issues wrapping my head around the workflow in Edge.


Basically what I'm trying to do is to randomly change the fill/background color of a square (a symbol) inside my composition using variables for R, G and B and a timing event (JS setInterval method). I think i have a syntax issue but I'm not sure where. Any help would be appreciated, here is the code: (it's on the first frame of document.compositionReady):


//create variables for R G B
var randR;
var randG;
var randB;

//var myVar = setInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);

//setInterval method:  window.setInterval("javascript function", milliseconds);

//define the function randomColors()
var myVar = setInterval(
  function randomColors() {  randR = Math.floor(Math.random()*255);  randG = Math.floor(Math.random()*255);  randB = Math.floor(Math.random()*255);  myTimer();  },  1000);

//call the main function

//define the time-based function
function myTimer() {
    var d = new Date();  sym.$("mySquare").style.backgroundColor = rgb(randR,randG,randB);



Here is the file.


Thanks again! I hope I was clear enough. The reason why I want to do this is because later I would like to randomly load a video file into the composition every certain period of time, but I wanted to start with something simple.

How to integrate a http widget


Dear Community

I have searched the Inet but could not find anything about this:

I would like to integrate a standard html widget (Soundcloud, Facebook, twitter....) into an Edge Animate CC Project. is there any way to do that?

Thanks in advance


Can I Add Custom HTML To Shapes Within Edge Animate?


Is it possible to add blocks of custom HTML code to shapes directly in Edge Animate? In other words if I wanted to add some unordered lists, forms, etc... I've tried putting the HTML markup in a text box, but it just renders it literally and displays all of the code. I know that I can open a web page in Edge Animate, but then I lose a lot of the animation properties since the HTML isn't managed by EA.

Inserting Multiple Widgets into Edge Animate


Hello, I am currently working on an edge animate project and inserted at Twitter Widget into my design.  I am also trying to install a Facebook Widget next to my Twitter Widget.  The problem that keeps occurring is when I go to insert the code into the actions panel, it will mimic over to the div which my Twitter Widget is in.  At first, I thought it might because they have similar ID's or are in the same group.  But I made a completely new Rectangle Div outside of the group and when I go to add code into the actions panel it continues to mimic over.  If anyone knows how to resolve this please help!  Also I am have a hard time figuring out the Facebook Widget plug in code.


Twitter Code Works!


Twitter Widget Code:

var code = '<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/EBcoffeeandpub" data-widget-id="496150319181467649">Tweets by @EBcoffeeandpub</a>';

code += "<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';";

code += 'if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.c om/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</s cript>';


How to integrate a http widget


Need Help With Facebook Code


Facebook Widget Code:

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 12.51.07 AM.png

How to integrate a http widget any help?

Background sound and sound effects while playing


How to make the background sound and audio playback colleague

Adobe Edge Images Folder




I need to create a number of animations in edge but I am concerned about the security (copying) of images placed in the images folder and then uploading to the web. What's to stop someone from accessing the folder in chome's developer option (or the IE equivalent) and copying all of the images? Is there a way to protect these images?





Which code do I need for next and prev button with jquery bgndgallery fullscreen image slider




I use an open source jquery bgndgallery (http://pupunzi.open-lab.com/mb-jquery-components/jquery-mb-bgndgallery/ for a fullscreen image slider with my adobe edge project.

The fullscreen bgndgallery works with my Edge project.


In CreationComplete I put the following code and when I set autoStart on 'true' the slider works:


























            //onNext:function(opt){opt.effect = "slideLeft"},

            //onPrev:function(opt){opt.effect = "slideRight"}


            //onStart:function(){$("#controls .play").show();$("#controls .pause").hide();},

            //onPause:function(){$("#controls .play").show();$("#controls .pause").hide();},

            //onPlay:function(o){$("#controls .play").hide();$("#controls .pause").show();},






But I would like to control the background slider with next and previous button. So when I click on the

next button in Adobe Edge. The slider will slide from right to left. I've tried al lot of things but nothing works.

And I'm not so good in coding, I'm more a designer.


This is a few things what I already tried:

on the next button I put the following code in 'Click':



I found the following code for a fade-out and that worked but that isn't what I would like to do:



The script for the jquery.mb.bgndGallery you can find it here:

jquery.mb.bgndGallery/mb.bgndGallery.js at master · pupunzi/jquery.mb.bgndGallery · GitHub


So I hope that somebody can help me with the right code for the next and previous buttons.



External Javascript Files but no JS folder


Hey everybody,

I've got a question:

How do I publish an Edge Animate project which has external JS files references without the reference to the ./js/ folder?


I'll explain myself: in the environment where I will upload my project I can't make subfolders (don't know why, it's just so) so all my resources (images, sounds, javascript files) have to be in the root folder for the project.

Unfortunately, as you know, when I import a JS file in Edge a ./js/ folder is automatically created and my files are move inside it.

I'd like Edge to stop doing it and just leave my files in the root and reference them there.


Is there a way I can do this?


Thank you very much in advance.


How can I make an image stay on screen while scrolling?


Hello guys,


I need some guidance with something I really cannot understand (or find) a way to make an animation to come into the stage and then stay on screen while scrolling down. I was trying to make an animation come in and stay but if I try to animate the image (or symbol with animation too) to stay on screen forcing it by animating the image go down while scrolling all I get it's a "shaky" image (or symbol) while going down, I found this website that have this tree which stay on screen pretty well and this is basically what I want with my animations to enter on stage and maybe later after some time make the animation go away




Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much


Edge Animate CC 2014 Update (2014.0.1) live now


Congratulations All!!


The new update for Edge Animate CC 2014(2014.0.1) is now available on Creative Cloud.


The following issues have been addressed :


  1. Resolved compatibility issues with Chrome 36
  2. Fixed crash when publishing static HTML when the composition contains an empty symbol.
  3. Port binding issue as mentioned in the link : http://helpx.adobe.com/edge-animate/kb/found-error-stage-edge-animate.html.


Please refer to the "What's new" @Edge Animate Help | New features summary  for more details on this update :


Thanks and Regards,

Sudeshna Sarkar

Transform Origin is forced to 0,0 when using 'Responsive Scaling' in mobile Safari and Chrome


When I create, say, a 3D carousel I naturally want my transform origin to be in the centre (so it rotates on the Y axis in a circular motion).


However when I check 'Responsive Scaling' in EA I'm finding that the Chrome and Safari browsers on my Nexus and iPads are forcing either the Stage's or the wrapper container's transform origin to 0,0 which, whilst this can create an interesting effect, is not what I want. I can force it to be 50%, 50% momentarily but it's quickly reset to 0, 0.


Is this a bug in EA or mobile webkit browsers?


For your reference


Correct 3D transform origin:



Incorrect 3D transform origin:


Error when starting Edge Animate


Need help. Everytime when i start Edge Animate it shows me following error:
"the requested url/welcome_to_project_edge/WelcomeToEdge.html was not found on this server"





What can I do?


Greetz from Germany

Display Issue


I've just installed Adobe Edge in an attempt to use if for the first time but the the display window isn't showing properly... Edge Screen.jpg

Any suggestions for how to fix this??


Edge Animate Publish Failed


Hi All,


I've been using the trial of EA to learn the new product for use as an alternative to Flash/SwishMax.


I have been developing a project over the last two weeks and today, after a lot of work, publish failed

with the error

'An error has occurred. Please save your work and re-start edge animate.'


I did. It didn't.


I have tried saving to another file but to no avail.


Further, if I just try to save the file after opening, the same error occurs.


Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to lose all this time.



David Hatton

Edge animate crashing while saving...


Edge animate always fails while saving one of my projects. I tried it in different systems but still the same issue. Does edge have a limit in no of symbols??? because i have about 100 symbols.... can you provide me with a patch or something for this issue. Please reply ASAP. I am attaching the project here..



Create button and text/popup that can be reused?


I'm new to Edge and interaction design in general, so apologies if there's an obvious answer to this. Any help would be appreciated!


I need to create an "object" (a button that shows/hides a combo of text and shapes, amounting to a text box) that can be reused again and again in multiple projects. It needs to have the same style, color, and formatting every time, but the size and contents of the text box will be different.


Is there a way to do this using symbols? How about something other than symbols?


I need to be able to edit each instance individually, without changing every instance in the project. So far I've had no luck.

Quiz result not showing up in Edge


Hi there Edgers


Really hoping someone can help me out with this problem. I've used Redesigns code(Seen Below) to design a quiz in Animate.


I have two problems, when the first question is answered, it skips to the 3rd question instead of the 2nd. I am not sure why this is as I have have checked for overlapping buttons, there are none and it does not occur on any other questions, only the first. Second problem is the quiz reult is not showing up at the end, I have the "grade" and "result" divs in my timeline but when they are reached they do not change to display the quiz results.


Help would be much appeciated


i = 0;



          sym.play("s" + i);

          if (i==1){

                    q1 = 10;



          if (i==2){

                    q2 = 10;



          if (i==3){

                    q3 = 10;



          if (i==4){

                    q4 = 15;



          if (i==5){

                    q5 = 15;



          if (i==6){

                    q6 = 20;



          if (i==7){

                    q7 = 20;



          var FinalScoreHolder = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 +q6 +q7;

          if (i=7){

                    //var FinalScoreHolder = q1 + q2 + q3;

                    sym.$("grade").html("You scored "+FinalScoreHolder+"%");

                    if (FinalScoreHolder >= 90) {



                    // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)




                    } else {



                    // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)








As a side note, this quiz appears at the end of a 8 section mulitmedia learning environment. The code obove is the only code present in the "creationcomplete" window, the rest is done in the timeline.



Edge Animate element position incorrect in Chrome


I've created an animation in Edge Animate that worked well initially and now is not rendering correctly in Chrome. The animation works well the issue is in the position of the element. Is this perhaps a bug in Edge Animate? Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Firefox, IE 11, Opera render.



Chrome render.


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