i believe ScrollTop jquery helps in scrolling certain number of pixels but how to use it in edge?
How to scroll a certain number of pixel up/down based on button click in edge animate?
How to make responsive Edge Animate with elements aligned in the middle?
I wanted to create a responsive hero slideshow using Edge Animate. It will have a 100% width and max-height of 500px. However, I wanted that the other elements will stay in the middle of the slideshow and not be anchors to either corners - as what is selectable in Animate.
My aim to to achieve something similar to Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin » Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin Slider Revolution.
Anyone have any idea how to go about this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
How to control the mobile phone automatic horizontal screen
There is no method of adaptive mobile phone in landscape mode?
Animation, mobile phone voice delay
Having trouble validating a form- Please help
Hi I'm not too sure where I went wrong here, but if someone can please look at this code, it will be much appreciated. The form is sending the data out correctly, but it's not validating. I've tried using html5, and jquery to validate these input fields... and technically, it should work- but it's not...where did I go wrong? I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now...
Ok, so, here's the link to my files:
..I created a symbol called form, and attached these actions to it:
$("<input type='email' id='Email' class='required' name='Email' tabindex='2' maxlength='200' style='background-color:white; border:1px solid black' required>").appendTo(sym.$("emailbox"));
$("<input type='text' id='Firstname' class='required' name='first_name' pattern=' .{5,30}' tabindex='1' maxlength='200' style='background-color:white; border:1px solid black' required>").appendTo(sym.$("firstnamebox"));
$("<input id='myform' >").appendTo(sym.$("form"));
...and my send button has these actions attached to it:
var emailFromVal = Email.value;
var messageVal = "<strong><p><font face='helvetica' size='5'> Name : "+Firstname.value+"<br><br> Email: "+Email.value+"</p>";
// we add this variable to make sure if anyone find out the address of our php file cant send empty message by calling php file by url
var Permission = 1;
alert("Thank you, we will contact you shortly");
$.post("sendEmail.php",{ flag:Permission, email:emailFromVal, message:messageVal });
Permission = 0;
Problème lors d'une mise à jour
J'ai un problème de mise à jour.
Adobe m'envoie 2 mises à jour et la deuxième , j'ai eu ce message : ERREUR: DW028: InstallOperationsQueue: ensemble d'instructions est vide
Que faut-il faire?
Create very simple quiz function
I'm trying to create a very simple function that records clicks on 'correct answer' buttons, and when correct answers == 3, the user is taken to a label that has completion text on it. Nothing fancy, just clicking on text (or does it have to be text converted to symbol?), that increments a variable and when it ==3 it goes to a label on the timeline.
Here's the code I have... but it doesn't seem to be working...
i = 0;
if (i==1){
q1 = 1;
if (i==2){
q2 = 1;
if (i==3){
q3 = 1;
var gotoFinishedLabel = q1 + q2 + q3;
if (i==3){
// play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
else {
// play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
Many Thanks for Any Help!
BUG: transform-origin not properly being set for Chrome v36
Moving this conversation from the previous thread to a new discussion that is a little more accurate. (last one was off in regards to responsive scaling, issue is little wider than that)
old thread:Transform Origin is forced to 0,0 when using 'Responsive Scaling' in mobile Safari and Chrome
So here is the problem. Chrome (as of version 36) now recognizes the transform-origin value as the preferred method for the browser, rather than the more specific -webkit definition. Here is an image that may help to illustrate this a bit more in context.
As you can clearly see in the image above, Chrome no longer opts to use the -webkit transform values and has adopted the newer method (and hopefully a cross browser standard in the near future) of transform-origin. What we are missing here is this value being set by Edge Animate. If we can get these values set in both fields, it should resolve the issue across the board.
Our engineering staff has done a lot of digging on this as well, and Google is point back towards Adobe for this fix. The values simply need to be set by Edge Animate. Here is a link to 2 Google Chrome related threads with this issue as well.
I cannot stress how much of MAJOR BUG this is for heavy Edge Animate users like my company. All of our character animations are literally falling apart and since Chrome is a browser that will auto update, this will only become more widespread of an issue as time goes on.
Please respond back to this thread with an ETA on an update for Edge Animate to resolve this issue. Thanks!
Border interrupting the animation
Hi everyone,
I have a really basic question, I have a rectangle which in initial state has 0% alpha in background color but it has a 2px white border, on hover I want it to get 100% background alpha, everything works but the border is kind of interrupting the animation, whenever I hover over this "button" and I'm over the border the animation flickers.
PS: I think it's a general issue because it happens in other animation, whenever I have something above the trigger element the animation start from the beginning and it's kind of flickering on mouse movement.
Kann man von Animate CC auch ein GIF oder einSWF etc. machen????
Kann man von Animate CC auch ein GIF oder einSWF etc. machen????
Responsive - group items resize and reposition to center of stage
Hi just wanted to ask again about responsive animate projects.
I wanted to make a responsive hero slider and I want a a group of elements to scale and reposition as the window is resize. Is this possible? No matter how I try some part of the elements don't resize or don't reposition toward the center of the stage. Please have a look at the screenshots below.
Then when the window is resized, the the grouped elements don't properly resize or stick to the center.
Please, any help would be much appreciated as I am drawing a blank on what other methods to do.
" loading failed please check your page for java script errors" please Help
recently my project starts crashing.... when it loads it gives a java scrip error .. saying " loading failed please check your page for java script errors"
Do click events overwrite touch events??
Does the click event overwrite the touch events on tablet devices?
I have a edge project that I need working on the computer and on Ipads.
But I cant tell if its the click event that is working or the touch event working on the Ipad.
Animate, Reflow and Muse
I have sought to find a simpler way to achieve perfect integration to develop a website with animations and is responsive.
My doubt is if there is any way to create a site that has scroll animations with effects and is responsive.
Currently I have developed the animations using the animate and the muse to apply the scroll effect, this way I can not put a responsive layout.
and if I using and enjoying the reflow to apply my animations I end up failing to apply the scroll effect.
Anyone know help me?
running into a LOT of issues trying to incorporate Edge Animate content with other technologies
we're trying to create a self-standing sales document (esentially a powerpoint) taht a sales staff will control via a WordPress backend, which will allow then to simply toggle which sales case studies are included in the preso.
the main document structure, to give the presenter something to work within in the course of a meeting, is specced out as http://flowtime-js.marcolago.com
each section (five of them) is a separate EA animation on a separate "page" of this tool. each sales preso is also on a separate "page."
here's what we're running into:
1) incorporating more than one EA work into an html document is tedious. each instance of the stage needs to be hand-edited, and cannot be saved into the EA document itself (it would help if we could simply retitle the stage within the document, or at the very least have EA add its random numbers to the stage ID of each document, rather than everything having an ID of "stage" with random numeric classes upon output), which means this needs to be remembered somewhere else, and then done by hand upon each export.
2) EA JS files must live immediately next to the EA html documents in the file structure, which turns into a big problem quickly, especially in cases (like WordPress) in which the site doesn't actually have files—and turns into a complete wreck inside the server structure if we can't keep all the like-files together for future work. if JS files have references automatically added to them, why not let the developer choose where they need to be by selecting an output location?
3) there is no way to talk to EA about whether or not to output boilerplate dependency files (JQuery and Edge.min inside edge_includes). very minor quibble.
I’m going to address all of this separately as actual questions, but right now... I have to say EA has a long way to go before being easily usable in a real publishing environment with many moving pieces.
Im getting a code error saying "mismatched braces" and now none of my 50 buttons work. Can someone look at my file? And also, is there a way to change all the on click functions to mouseover without redoing all the buttons? Also, the file is covering area
Im getting a code error saying "mismatched braces" and now none of my 50 buttons work. Can someone look at my file? And also, is there a way to change all the on click functions to mouseover without redoing all the buttons? Also, the file is covering areas of the page it is to reside on. I can send a link to that:http://ehn.ehstest.org/ehs/news/2014/jul/birdmap/birdmap-test
Looking at evaluating Edge - templating animations
I know this may involve some development but would it be possible to create an animation which shows say a price and description. Then if a json file is provided with an array of price/description objects, using this file, we can feed the animations with each object so that it creates a playlist of animations, that play one after another like a playlist. Once the playlist has finished playing, it recycles again.
css position:fixed works on mozilla 21/IE10 but not in chrome ?
Hello guys,
I want to stick in position a rectangle or photo while scrolling browser.
I am using sym.$("Rectangle3").css({"position":"fixed"});
This works fine in Mozilla and IE10 but not in chrome (Version 27.0.1453.116 m)
Anyone to help please?
Thanks in advance.
Use jQueryUI slider within adobe edge animate.
I am looking for a way to use jQueryUI slider within adobe edge animate.
I have to build a boilerplate, that our designers are able to use for building different sliders. But when I use the .slider()-function, I always get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'replace' at edge.2.0.0.min.js:135
I think, the cause is, that jQueryUI builds an a-tag, in order to have a slider.
Do you know a way to fix that? The only way I found on the web was, to use .draggable(). But that is of no use for us. We need .slider().
.an file won't open
I have an an file that won't open. I have all the 4 js files that are needed and all the images. They are in the folders they need to be. It just gives me an error when I open it and closes the file. It says "Loading Failed, please check your page for Javascript errors".